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mast experienced candidate due to z�zy years qf �vazkan�; for the Miza�esata Senate, having served in <br />elect�d c�f�'ice as Mayor, and running z�y own pa�itieal consultin business. <br />Whai is QLiP VIGYY 4� ��1� iflI@ 4� f�IS COFrilIl1SSI0IlIC4I7]LtlIf�L'EIT��SIL F�I'C@? <br />H�ving been one of ihree rnembers tn create the Pu�lic Works Con�mi�sian, I creaied the role this <br />caznn�ission takes in our city. <br />Ha�viE�g served as Mayor ofthis city, working with t�e P�annin� Com.r�-iissic�n f€�r 4 years, I have a good <br />und�zstandiza of the statutory obli�;ations �d advisary ro�es the corra,missaon takes in aur czty. <br />Other �ommenYs: (.Cnclude any f Erlher information you �vould like th.e Cily Cazsncfl fo cansider or° <br />thcrt�ozc f�el is relevant to tlze a�poirzrnrent��ou are seeking. Yoz� mQy crlso attaeh other- �rzrrler-rcrls yau <br />would like the Council ta consider•.) <br />iennessen �'arning - Snrne or all the info�mation that yo� are asked to provide is classified by 5tate law as eit�,er private or <br />can�dent�al. Private da�a is informalion that generaliy cannat he given to the public bu[ can be give€� ta ti�e subject af the data. <br />Can�denf€al data is inforrnation t€�at generally cannat be aiven tn e'sYher tl3e pub[zc ar rhe subject of the data. <br />7'he City of Rosevilfa is collecting the infprrr�ataon tc� deterrnine quali�catipns to serve on a Citizen Advisory Cammiss'son. <br />Yau are r�at legally required to provide this information. Hawever, if you do not s�pply the informaiian, you may not serve on <br />a Citizen Advispry CorrGmissian. <br />Qther persans or sntities autharizad by iaw to receive tl�is informaiion are City Council rrseinbers, staff residenis of Rose�il�e <br />and '€nteresied athers. <br />I understand tl�at a�] ir�ormation provided iz� fik�is appli�ation, �xcept any iel�phone n�mbers, fax nu�-zbe,r and <br />er�aail address, rriay be disttabuted l�y ihe City to ihe public inc�udi�g, but �o# liznited fo, �eizag pasted o� tl�e <br />City flf Roseville website. 1 agree to waive az�y and all clain�s �u�der tlie Miru�esota Govemment Data <br />Practices Act, or az�:y ai�er ap�licable state ar�d federal law, that in any way related to the disse�znatac�n ta the <br />public ofinfaz-�aation contained in this application that wou[d be classi�ed as priva,te under such ]aws. I <br />�.anderstanr� that S za�ay contact the responsible aut�orily for tl�e Gity of Roseville �f I�ave a�ry questions <br />regarding kh� public or private nature af the infni�nati€�n provided. <br />T urzderstand that the City will not ��blish rny �l�one or fax n�uribers or email address without my authorizatron <br />az�d c�o �ereby allow th� City ta publish (cheek aIl that app]Y). <br />hame telepl�ane n�znber _wazk �elepkaone nuznb�r _other telepI�one n�.�rn�er <br />horne fa�t ��umber wark fax number <br />�kaorne ernai[ address �work ernai� address <br />s�-�--..�1%f � �.. <br />�-� G � � � II5/07 <br />=' Siga7ature of pplieant Date of Application <br />,�pplicrrrran t3611 ?9 <br />