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The National C�t�zen SurWey�M Features <br />I# you are ane ai tlae many lacal ga�ernrr�ents that are already sur�►eying their <br />c�tixens, Yau may wande�r �nrha� The NGST'" can offer you. dces ye�ar current <br />surrrey ser�rice prarr[de... <br />� An answer to the question: "Haw do the res�anses vf aur citizez�s compare tQ <br />those o� other eities?" <br />• A printed final repflrt with charis an€i graghs, and comparisons that you can <br />specify? <br />• f�rofessional credibility that can support your results? <br />s A netwark of colleagues in other local gavern�ezxts vu'ho az'e s�rveying their eiti- <br />zens using the same serviee? <br />• Experiene�d survey professiona3s available by p�one and e-rnaiI7 <br />� S�ow-east opiians to customize your survey? <br />s Generation of reliable mail'rng lists based on yot�r maps? <br />s The bene�ita and savings tiaat cozne fram constant refinement of the survey pracess <br />over znany lacal goveznments? <br />The National Citizen Survey="' does ali this and mpre! <br />What you gei witf� The Na#ianai Gatizen Survey7M1 <br />s Choice of services ta evaluate, ehaice of ogtional questions <br />• Pre-s�rvey posteard maaling <br />• Customized cover letter <br />i Custom'rzed survey� instrument (two rr�ailings) <br />s�,�ecutive surrm�ary nf Iocal results, a eompreilensive analysis of ]ocal resuits, a�zd <br />a separate report bez�cl�marking �acal results against eomparative narms <br />• Certificate of pazticipatian <br />t <br />