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With which communities wBll we be able to corr�pare aur results? <br />'I'he normative co�nparis�ns are �ased on abaut 3S0 j�risdictions where cztazen suar- <br />veys have i�eez� eondueted r�centiy. Ti7ese are cnmrnunities frotn all across the United <br />States rangizag 9a� size from just a few huncired tn pver 2 mil3ian. More than 2Qp,�OQ <br />zesidents of counties, villag�s, tor�rnsl7ips, and cities caznpleted these suzveys az�d they <br />are ir�tended to represent aver 3Q,Qp0,QQa A�aericans. Norzns can be custamized, too, <br />so that your jurisdiction is compared to others in th� database of sirnilar size, locatian <br />or type (e.g., counties, cit'res, tnwns, etc.}. <br />Do w� ha�e �o cor�pare nur results fo nationai narms? <br />No, the choice is yaurs. <br />Wha� if we dan't want o�tr resulis publicixed? <br />That is �p to yau. 'I'he fiz�al report is delivered t€� the client only, on your time sch�d- <br />ule. Gs�zz�pariso�s watl� the norrnative data are presented in a sepai•ate repart. Resuits <br />frarz� our database remain cc�nfidentia�. Nnrms are created by grnuping resuIts so that <br />individ�aI jurisdictions rerr��in anonyrnous unless they choose to be mentioned for <br />purposes of positive recdgnitian. <br />Hov�r is tf�e validity of the survey aufhenticated? <br />In the fina� ��eport, we pravide an elaborate descriptipn of aur meticuious survey <br />methods. We aiso provide a cer#ificate af par�icipation, suitable for dzspiay, signed by <br />il�e ex�cc�tive directar of ICMA and the pi�eside��t qf NRC, to ali jurisdictions that sue- <br />cessfully eomplete the survey project. <br />Gan results be c[s�d for measuring qovernrnent performance? <br />Yes, the opinion of residents is critical in understanding the quality of service delivery <br />and has becorne a�widely-uset� perforzz�az�ce zraeasurement tao�. We remind our clients <br />that admir�istrative records a�d inde�endetlt observatinns abaut actual service effi- <br />cieneies and qua�ity measures are important, too. <br />We participate in lCMA's Center for Performance Measurement (CRM?. Car� we <br />use The Natioeal Ci�Eizen Survey''"" ta collect da#a for CPM? <br />Yes. In fact, The NCSr�` was designed to coordinake witl� �PM data eallectian. If you <br />use The NCST"` s�rvey instrument, yau will not need to as�c citizens the sazrxe q�zes- <br />tions again fo�� C�'M purposes. <br />6 <br />