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4 <br />5 � <br />6 <br />7 ( <br />8 <br />9 <br />�o � <br />'11 <br />�z � <br />13 <br />'I 4 I <br />15 <br />16 E. <br />`[ 7 <br />�s <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />t <br />�2. All pavements shall be constructed 'z� aceaxdar�ce with tl�e provisions o� applicalale xequirements of <br />the City. <br />4:3. Concrete curbs and gutters an all streets �vi�hir� the subdivzsion shall be constructed in accardance <br />with applicable rec��ire�ae�ts p� tl�e City. <br />�. In cQngested trafiic areas aar i� az'eas where 1he Ciiy Cotu�eil deezxas necessa:ry for t�e health, safety <br />and �e�erai welfare of this cti�u�ity, szdewalks, to a wid�h oi nat Iess than iive feet (5') and <br />constructed pf Portland cement concre�e, shall �e req�ired. <br />€�S. Storna water inle�s and necessa.ry culv�rts sha11 be provided within �he roadway improvement at <br />points specif ed by the Public Works Diarector. <br />�:6. AIl curb co�ers sl�all liav� a radii of not less t�an fiftsen %et {15'}, exce�t at collecior a�d <br />�narginai access streets wl�ere they sha11 be no� less t�an tweniy �ve #eefi (25'). <br />�'7. All parkways witlain t�Ze cled'zcated street area shall be grad�d and sadded in ari a��rnved manner. <br />(Ord. 216, 7-5-56; arnd. 1995 Code) <br />Off Street Improvements: <br />1. One tree havz�g a trunlc diarneter (measured i 2 inc�es above grount�) o� rzat less than two and one- <br />half inches (2 I/2jF) sha1l l�e planied i�: a�aturalistic way in the front yard o�' �ot in ti�e subdivision, <br />except t�at cnmer lots shall have two (2) t�ees. Tk�ey shail b� accep�ed by �he City oz�ly after an� <br />growing season as a live and �ealthy plant. Trees shall noi be aliowed to be planted in t�e boulevard <br />area. <br />22 2. Driveways musi be eorzstru.cted of pa�emen� approved by t�e �'ub�ic Worl�s Director. Each driveway <br />23 shal� be graded within �he dedicated area to fit the boulevard seetion, and shall be a�inimurr� afi twelve <br />24 feet (12') i� width in the bnulevard area (excluding radii). The construction shall ea�fo�n tq City <br />25 requireme�ts, a�nd the grade oithe driveway ��all can�'o�n ta the requirements ofthe State Buildin� <br />26 Code. <br />27 3. The ez�tire boul��varc� area, except driveways, s�all be sodd�d with a good qualzty weed free sad. <br />2s 4. All drain.age swales shal� be graded and sodded with a�;ood quality weed free sod. (19�0 Code; amd. <br />29 1995 Cnc�e) <br />�o CHAPTER � 1 O3: DE5IGN S'I'ANIDARDS <br />3� 1103.02: S'TREETSa <br />32 A. Rigl�t of Way: All rights o� way sha�l eonform to the following miniz�nurz� dixraensions: <br />33 Collect�r stree�s 66 feet <br />3� Local streets 60 feet <br />35 I �—��E� tin �„�.� ..�,a;.,. <br />36 Marginal access 50 feet <br />37 sf�'eets <br />38 {1995 Code) <br />39 B. Horizontal Street Lines: Where l�orizantal street lines witk�i� a black defl�ct frorri each other at any an.e <br />40 paint more thar� ten degrees {� Oo), ther� s�all be a connec�ing curve. �iniznuxn eenter line horizonial <br />4� curvatures sha11 be: <br />42 Collectoar streets 30Q feet <br />43 Minor stree�s 150 feet <br />