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1/10/2012 12:42:13 PM
Creation date
8/26/2009 2:58:28 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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1 C. Tar��ents: Taz�gents at Ieast �'i�ty feet (SO') lo��g sha.l� be ir�trod�zced between reverse eurves on cpll�ctor <br />2 sireets. <br />3 D. Cen�er Line Gradients: All center lii�e gradients sl�all be at least one�half p�reent (0.5%) and shall not <br />A exceeci on: <br />5 Cc�llector streets 4 �eree�t <br />� Minar s�reets fi pereent <br />7 E. Connecting �treet Gradients: DiF%rent can.�aecting street gradients sha�l be coz�ected with vertical <br />s parabolic curves. Mi�:zz�au�n length, i� £eet, o�these cuxves, sha11 be fifteen (�S} times the algebraic <br />9 difference zn t�e perce3�t of grade of t�e twa (2) at�ja�ent s�o�es. For zni.nor streets, �e mir���um length <br />10 sha1l be seven and one-half (7 1/2} times the algebraie differenc� in the percen# of grade o� the lwo {2) <br />11 adjacent sZopes. <br />12 F. Minor Stre�ts: Minor s�reeis shall be so alig�ec� t�.at their use by �hrough traifzc w�ll be discouraged. <br />13 G. �tre�t Jogs: Street jags wi#h cen.tear liz�e o��'sets of less t�an one hundre� twe��ty five fee� (125') shalZ �e <br />14 prohibiied. <br />15 H. Intersections: It must be evidenceci tl�at all strect intersectiozas azad con£�uences encourage safe and <br />� 6 eff czent traff c flo�v. <br />17 Z. Alleys: Alleys aare z�at permitted iz� xesidential areas u�aless deemed necessa�y by 1he City Council. <br />�s . . ', <br />�s ,�_��.r_� +� <br />20 . �°°� <br />21 �J. Half Streets: Fialf streei� sl�all be pro�.ibited. Vl�h�rever a half street is adjace�t ta a tract to be <br />22 subd'zvided, the otkzer hal� a�'the st:reet sk�ail be platted within such tract. �n cases w�iere the e�tirce rig�t <br />23 of way has bee� c�edica�ed ta t�e pubXie but �Yte praperty of the awner and subdivider is lncated on one <br />24 side o�'suck� street, the awner an� subdivider ,s�aall �e required to g:rade the er�tire street izz accardance <br />25 rxrzth the plans to be approved by the P�.blic Warlcs Director undex t1�e proviszo�s of Section 1102.07, but <br />26 the owner and subdivzder shall oar�y be required ta deposit paymen� for a�e-�alf (112) oithe PubZ�c <br />27 Works Diz�ector's estimated casts af the im�rflvements required under this Tit�e. B�ilc��ing �ermits sha�l <br />28 be denier� for lots on fihe side o�fihe street w�eare t�e �roperty is owz�ed by �ersor�s who �ave not en�ered <br />29 into an agreemez�� wit�. tkae City fox t�e iz�stallation of t�:e i�pz'ovemenis requi�ed ur�der t�is Chaptez-: <br />30 ��:K. R�serv�d Strips: Reserved strips conl:rolla�g access to street� are pxnhibited. (Ord. 2l Fi, 7M5-1956; <br />31 arrad. 1995 Code} <br />- i �1' , �l '[�;1��1�. ` ��iA� � 1� ��� � . . °.,� f . ������ �,� - <br />33 T�e �ol�awing �xzxnxmum dimensio�al standards shall apply to all exis�ing City and private raadways wi�en <br />3� nevaly construct�d or recnns�et�d. Ali lacal residential streets must be coanstnycted ta a widt� af thirty t�wo <br />35 feet (32') froxn the face of curb to face of curl�. In cases w�eare tlais width is imparactica�, the City Cauncil <br />3E zx�ay xed�ce th�s darnenszon; as ou��i�ed az� the City st�reet width policy. Howevex, far purpose� of emergency <br />37 vehicle access, na street �hall be consi:ructed to a widih le�s than twenty �oux fee� (24'j. In order 1:o preserve <br />38 the minimum ciear width, par�C�ng must be restricted according ta subseetion A of this Section. <br />39 A. Sigz�age Requir�ments: "Na parking,� s��s sha�l be insta�led z� accorda�ce ta t�e �'allowing: <br />4� 32 �eet �'arkin� pez�raitted on bath sides a�'ihe st�'eet {no sig�s �eeded}. <br />�41 26-32 �eet No parki�g an €�ne side of ihe street (signs on one side}. <br />42 24-2b feet No parking a� bath sides ofthe stxeet {signs on botl� sxdes). <br />�3 B. Right-O� Way Width: For City streets, the righ� af way shall be in accaxdance wi�th �eetion 1103A2 af <br />44 this Chapter. Cbu��y Roads mus� co�ply wit�a the Rasr�sey Cou�ty r�ght-oi �way plara. <br />45 State kughways �nust cprnply vai�h t�e M�nnesota Stat� H�g�way Departzn�nt xig%t-of way plans. <br />
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