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1 t�e algebz'aic difference iz� the percent of grade a£ the two (2} adjace�t slopes. �'or rninor <br />2 str�ei:s, t�e minimum length shall be s�ven azad one-hal� (7 ll2) tiz�a�s the algebaraic differ�,nce <br />3 i� the percent of �rade af the twa (2) adjacer�t slop�s. <br />4 F. Mi�or Streets: Min�aar str�e�s s�all be so alig�ed that their use by throu�h traf�c will be <br />5 discouraged. <br />6 G. Street Jogs: Street jo�s �vath center line af�'seis of Iess ��a� ane hur�dred �wen�y five ��ei <br />i {125'} shall be prahibzted. <br />8 H. �ntersectzazas: �t nnus� b0 evide�ced that ali stre�t iniersec#ions and confl�ences encourage <br />9 safe and. ei£'icien� trai�'ic flow. <br />� o I. Alleys: Alleys are not p�rmitted in residential areas unless deezned necessary by the City <br />11 CounciI. <br />12 J. Ha�f Streets: HaIf �treets sk�all be prahibited. "VVhe�'ever a half street is adjacent to a trac� to be <br />13 subdivided, the athe�' half of the stxee� shall he platted within s�eh t�act. Tn cases where the <br />14 ent�xe �ight oi way has �een dedicated to the public bu� ihe property oi the owner and <br />15 subdivider is Iocated or� one side of such stree�, the owner aaad subdivider shall be �required to <br />16 grade the entire street i�n accardance with �he piar�s ta be a�apraved by t�� �'ublic Wor�s <br />� 7 Dixector under the proviszo�s oi Sec�ian 1102.07, �ut the owner and subdivider sha11 only be <br />� 8 required to depnsit pay�nent for one-half {1/2) of the Public Works i7irectnr's estimated cos�s <br />19 ofthe irnpravez�ents ��quired undear t�is Ti�le. Building pernrnits s�all b� denied for lots o� <br />2� the side o£ t�e sireet w�ere tk�e property is ow�ed by persons who have not entered into an <br />2� agreez�ent with the City for the ins�allation of the improvemenis required under tl�is C�a�ter. <br />22 K. R�served Strip�: Reserved strips controlling acc�ss io stree�s are prohibited. (Ord. 216, 7-5- <br />23 1956; amd. 1995 Code) <br />2� 1�03e0210 1VV�INIMUM ROADWAY S'I'ANDARDS: <br />25 The fa�lowing �irtimum dir�aeaasional standards sk�all apply to ati existi�g City and private <br />26 roactways when newly constructed or reconstruct�d. Ali loeal residentiai sireets must be <br />27 eon��ructed to a width o� thirty two t'ee� (32') from the face af curb to face o�' curb. In cases <br />28 w�ere this wid�h is itnpractical, the City Co�ci� �nay reduce this c�izne�sion, as outl'aned irz the <br />29 City street widti� policy. However, fax �aurposes of eamerge�ncy vehicle access, na street shail be <br />3o eons�ructed to a wzdth less than �wenty four %e� (24'). In order to preserve the minimum clear <br />31 vvic��h, parking must be resiricted according to subsectian A oi�his Seetinn. <br />32 A. Si�nage Requirez�aez�ts: "No parking" szgns shall %e iz�stallect in accordance to t�e foilowing: <br />33 32 �eet Paxkiz�g permitted on both sides of �he street (no signs needed}. <br />34 26-32 feet No parking on flne side of the street {signs on� o�e side). <br />35 24-26 feet Na parking ozz both sides of the stree� (szgns �n bo�h. sides}. <br />36 B. Right-O� Way Width: �`or City streeis, the right of way shal� be an accordazace with Seetion <br />37 I 103.02 of ��ais Chapter. Couz�ty Roads rr�ust co�p�y wi�h t�e Ramsey Gaunfy righi-of-way <br />3s �lan. <br />39 Sta�e hi�hways must coznply wit� the Mi�az�esnfa S�ate Highway Departrr�ent rig�i-c�#�way <br />4U plans. <br />41 C. C�zI-D�-Sacs: �f there is not a laoped rQad systerr� pravided and the stz'eet is greater than two <br />42 hunc�red feet (200') in leng�h, � ap�roved turnaround shall be constxucted. <br />43 1. Length: Cul-de-sacs shall be a z�axiz�um �engt� of £'�ve ht.undred feet (500'), z�easured <br />4� along t�e ce�te�' �rne froz� t�e intersection of az�giti ta the end of ri�,ht-a� �vay. <br />Page 3 af 4 <br />