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� 2. Rig�t-O� Way: Cul-de-sac right-of way sk�a�l ex�end at l�asi tez� �eet (10') ouiside afihe <br />2 proposed back of cur�. <br />3 3. Standard Desi�n: The standard cu�-de-sac shall have a termi�us of nearly circ�ziar shape <br />4 with a standard diazxaeter of one hu�dred �eet {100'). <br />5 4. Altexnatives to the Sfiandaxd Design: An aliez�native ta the standard desigz�, ta <br />6 accommoc�ate urzusuaI cor�diiior�s, z�ay be considered by the �'ubXic Worlcs Directnr and �nay <br />7 be �xought ta t�e City Couz�cil for approval based on the Pu�1ic Warks Director's <br />8 recomme�dation. <br />9 S. �slands: As an o�at�an, a landscaped isla�d may be cons�ructed z� a cul-de-sac. A clear <br />10 distance p�twenty-%ur feefi (24') minimum sha11 be req�ir�d between tl�e islan� and the <br />11 outer cuz�b. No �ahysical barriers w�ich wauld impede the moverr�ent of e�nergency rr��icles <br />12 s�all be allowed within the island. Parking iz� a cu�-de-sac wit�Z an island shall confonm to <br />� 3 stree� wicith standards. <br />14 SECT�ON 3. E��'ectYVe Date. This ordinance atne�d:rnent tn the Rosevil�e Cziy Code <br />15 slaa�l take e�'�ect upar� passage and publicatzon. <br />16 Passed t�is 2 X st day of May, 2007 <br />Page 4 of 4 <br />