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Attachr��nt C <br />Extract fram the F'lanning Cornm'rssion Meeting Minutes�--UUctoi�er 3, 200i <br />a. PROJECT FILE 0007 <br />Revi�w ar�ci etiscuss�on of propvsed am�ndmenis ta iF�e Res�eience pistricts <br />cha�t�r of the zoning ordinance, purs�ant fa the 2n07' Lot S�lit Stuciy <br />recnrritn�ndations, <br />Chair Bakeman opened the �'ublic Hearing for F'roject File d�01. <br />�conomic C?e�elopment Associate Jamie Radel provided a brief review and discussion of <br />proposed am�ndments to the Residence Districts chapfer of the City's �aning Ordinance, <br />purs�ant tn the 2��7 Lat Split 5�udy recomtnendations; and t�ose items identified by the <br />City Cnuncil follawing �hose recommendations. <br />Ms. Radel noted tha� the Gity Cau€�ciE l�ac[ direct�d sta�f to irr�plement several of the <br />recommended zoning and subdivision ordinance amendrr�ents made by the Ad�isory <br />group, including those related �o subc[ivisior� variance language (B.2); perpendic�Eat lo� <br />lines (B.3); private str�ets (B-4); driveway location (B.5}; creation af a zoning o�erlay <br />dis�rict (C.�); eval�aatian of fees (C.5}; ihe zoning prearnble (C.6}; and environmentally- <br />friendly d�veloprnent practices {�.1}. <br />Sta�€ provided a red-lin�d copy of proposed lang€�age chang�s, relati�� fio iheir respective <br />sec�ions; with ihe most significani amendmen� bein� the ereaiian af the Single-Famiiy <br />Residential O��rlay Qistrict {SFROC3). Ms. Radel nc�ted that s�aff had not amended any <br />fe�s at t�is time, as staff reviewed fees on an ann€�al basis as park af �he upcoming fisc�l <br />year budget; and slso noted that stafF was doii�g a more sul�stanti�e review of zoning <br />code fiar en�ironment protection and sustainabEe practices for incorporation into all codes <br />as ap�licable. <br />C}iscussion incl�ded s€de-yard setback for those lats guided hy the over[ay district; <br />calculation of existing Eanguage and calcula�ions of seventy percent (70°/4}; rational� far <br />and identifcaiion af sp�cific lots platted or� or befnre May 21, 1959; staff's reorganizatian <br />of sections of the code to rnake it rnnre user-friendly and readable; design sfiandards for <br />streets and driveways within the subdi�ision code (Chapter 1103); City �ngineer <br />concems regarding fong-term rnanager�ent ofi private streets versus pub�ic streets; City <br />Aitorney language recqmmendatio�s; n�ambering iterations vers€as substai�tive changes <br />on f�ai�re drafts for easier tracking �y cor�rrtissioners; and potential overiay districis for <br />future commercial neighbnrhood uses. <br />Additionai discussion included rafianaie for a separate sec�ian for tf�e SR�OC3, rather <br />�han incorporating ch�nges within business andlor residentiai sectinns of the code; <br />�ypical planning praciice to have overlay dis�ricts as a separate section and the sequence <br />of various chapters; no action directed by fhe City Council for creating an overlay or <br />zoning distric� specific to shore(ar�ds; and a dise�ssion of the m�ximum accessory <br />b�ildin� size and square fooiage, wiih current cade aJfowin� far 864 square feet of <br />accessory building(s) an a single-family re�ideniia! lo#, and whether that size needed to <br />be lo�nrered nn lats within the SFROD, ar if they would be self-regulating d�� to other <br />r�echanisms (i.e., setback and cumula�ive impacts} in existing cade. <br />Further discussiar� included methodology �or caieula#ions nf 864 square feet specified in <br />the previo�� ordinances adopted in 1999/20D0; accesspry building standards (i.e., <br />garages); prefecred I�eight restrictians and wheiher a thir�y-faot (3fl') ar high 2-112 stary <br />hor�e built above grad� on a srr�a4! lot was appropriate; estir�nated number of patential lots <br />(estimated by stafi to be 1d0 o€�t of 14,DOd} that wnuld faH within �he SFRO� andlnr <br />under 7,70a square fs�t; non-conforrr�ity of the lots as they exist taday; smaller side-yard <br />setbacks indicatecE; and staff's concern ir� dictating nr establishing design standards that <br />would limii the style of homes possible �o be b€�ilt on these lots. <br />