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Considerable discussion was held regarding �sability and size of homes withou� <br />deviation; eneroachmer�t permi� process (setback perr�its) artd administrafiive criteria <br />availabEe far stafF to issue a minor variance permii without the P�a�lic Hearing proc�ss. <br />5taff noted that most of those �ninor �ariance requests invol�ed porc� additions; adefitians <br />to side yard setbacks; expanding existing attach�d garage�; or expanding kitchen areas <br />c�ff the back nf a home to rnaice the space more functional. <br />Cornrnission�r Baerigter opined his suppori to lea�e language at 30' or 2-112 stories. <br />Ft�rther discussian included functianality andlor plaeement or� lots of hornes built in the <br />�950's corr�pared ta t�day's lifestyles and family preferences; i�pacis to home yalues <br />and quaEity of life is�ues for �xistir�g andlor new homes, with sta� npining that pr�- <br />existing conditions and new construciion are very different in meeting existing code <br />requirements; potential abuse of administrative perrr�its, with staff advising �hai an <br />applicant needed to rr�eet a set of twelve (�2) criteria far consideratinn, including whether <br />or not the a�plicant created the hardship; and s�a�'s ability tn discern setback variance <br />requ�sts and ttteir appropriateness, wiil� applicants us�ally following the ad�ice o# staff <br />and revising their requests prior tn proceeding through an informai or forr�al process (i.e., <br />Develaprnent Review Committee recommendations). <br />Commissioner Gottfried opined thai a good portion of the currenf rules ar�d regulations <br />would self-regulate the lats, with variances cnnsidered on a case by case basis, and were <br />relativefy f�w in perspecfive tn the tofal number nf lois. Commissioner Gottfried f€�rther <br />opined tha� crea�ing an e�tire set o# ruies specific to the S�RQp was oumbersame; and <br />expressed confidence in staff's ability to monitor applications; and the market �lace to <br />dictate the rules. <br />Ms. Rad�l clar�fii�d that non-confarrning lots wiihin the district were approximately 1D0; <br />hvwev�r, that there w�r� a rr�uch greater number af lots that wo�ld be irnpacted. <br />Chair Bakernan recngnized that height was a topic af much Study Group discussion, b�f <br />expressed her willingness to Ieave the heighfi as c�arrently indicated. <br />Carnrnissioner baherty complimented staf� on the wonderFul rendering nf the small lots <br />on the map; with Ms. Rade! advising tl�at she wauld pass on Comrr�ission comme�ts ta <br />GIS Technician Jae1 iCoepp, fior his de�eEopment oi'the mapping <br />Chair Bakeman t�anEced staff for p€�rsuing the modificatians, upon City Co�ancil direction; <br />opining ii made ihe many hvurs sper�f by the Study Group wo�thwhile. <br />Carnmissioner Baerigter opined that tY�e modificaiians directad for r�vision to-date by fihe <br />City Council were only the fringe issues at the In� split study iss�a�; and the meat of the <br />issue are fhose items needing substantial pnlicy discussions by ihe City Cauncil io allow <br />for implernentation. <br />5taff was requested to include footnote as epplicabie to assist novice readers ofi tl�e <br />cod�, including �arious char�s far consis��ncy; ta create a separate sectinn for the <br />over[ay district; define "overlay districi;' incorporate typographical correctinns as v�rbally <br />nnted thrnughout re�iew; to add a column to t�e Char� of uses in Section 1004.��5 for <br />S�ROD's to be consisient with and avoid eonfusian with headings on the next chart; <br />define "SFROD" in the �eginning, incEuding �he abbreviatian o# such; define "Ri�arian �.ot„ <br />{adjaceni to water) irt shoreland districts; define ar elarify "lot" nr "In# line front' for corner <br />lat dimensions, consistent with the definition of "yard;" furiher clariiication of how staff <br />defines ihe front lot line as the shortest of the two dimensions; eonsider whether <br />language related to lot lir�e front and rear was necessary; anci ta bring a refined document <br />to �he Commission for further review prior to finalization and r�cammer�dation to �h� Ciiy <br />CnunciL <br />Cnmmissic�ner Wozniak asEced for a tirr�eline fror� staff on thosa elements related �o <br />en�ironrr��ntal profection and sustainability, and ihe review of the avsrall zoning code. <br />