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Location Yeax Bu�lt Desi n � �adius <br />Waod�yt�za Avenue 1999 cul-de-sac 2'7 ft. <br />Irene Couri 24Q0 cul-de-sac 32.5 ft. <br />Vicioria Street 2003 cul-de-sac �8 ft. <br />A �ewoad Point 2005 inodified �aaz�azxze�rhead <br />� 6.Q POLICY I�I�C�T�SION <br />2 fi. l Ciiy staff ha� cliseussed t�e cawrt d�cision and the results of our investigatioz� with t�Ze <br />3 City Attaz�ey, who l�as advised ihe City ta revis� the Code sa as to can£arm to these <br />4 previaus council decisinns. <br />5 6.2 This seetion af t�e City Cade applies ta all �treets: newly ennstruct�d or reca�structed. <br />6 Tk�e znaja�rzty of the road� on �hese lists were reconstruction projects where sta�� <br />7 recomme�ded an "alternate design" to reduce impacts ia surrounding paraperties, but none <br />8 a� �k�em meet all three criteria as described in. code. City sta�� �eels very strangly thai <br />g some flexibiliry be preserved to recognzze extenuating circumstances in regards to cul-de- <br />10 sac design. Wit�out t�is flexibility, ��ai'i wiIi no� be able �a work wi�h prapez�ty owners on <br />� 1 developing road designs �hat work for both the City az�d the pxaperty ow�er. Benefits fnr <br />12 reduced cul-de-sac diatnet�r/a�tenaatzva turnarou�d designs include: <br />13 a. Long term maint�nance: there is a cost savings in zzaa�erial a�d �ime �or s�nalier cu1- <br />14 de-sacs; <br />� 5 b. Reductian in hard surface: rain that falls o� hard surfaee does nat infiltrate and <br />16 requires stoz� water treatment. The City's standart� cul-d��-sac daes not ta�e this into <br />17 account; ancl <br />� 8 e. Impacts �o surrouriding �roperties: aretrofitting a"standard" eul-de�sac into a rnaiure <br />19 neighborhood can result in iree loss and con�ersio� o� front ya�rds iniq pavemer�t. It <br />2� can als� reqt�ire �he purckzase o� righfi-of �ay, sig�ificantly increasing construction <br />21 costs. <br />22 6.3 At its fneeting o�Noverr�ber 19, 2007, i�e City Co�uzci� discussed �he need to arnend t�e <br />23 tex� af the Subdi�ision �rc�inance to address the recent cauri deeision, eliminai:� t�e <br />24 int�r�aI eoz�flicts with respec�: ta cui-de-sacs, and bring the text af the Ordi�ance in line <br />25 with �he City's long-s�anding interpretation. The Council concluded thi� discussxa� by <br />26 eiiareeting the �lanning Commissian �o hald a public kzear'�ng and �ecommend a text <br />27 amendment t�at will resolve these issues. <br />28 6.4 On Deceamb�r S, 2407, t�e Planning Cammissian held �e public hearing £or t�e proposed <br />29 T�X�' AM�NDM�N�r. At the conclusion of th� public �eari�g, i�a Planxaing Ca�nrriission <br />3o voted unanimously (7-0) to recoz�a�nez�d ap�roval af the proposed T�x'r Atvr�N�Nt�N�'. <br />PRQJ�OII Cu1-de-sacs RCA 321207 <br />� Page 3 oi 4 <br />