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I3�te: 1122/07 <br />Yter�: 11.c <br />Co�r��eil No�-ms <br />Tantiary 16, 2007 <br />Me�nnrand�u�� <br />To: Roseville City Cow�ci[ <br />Mayar Craig l�la�zsi»g <br />BiIJ Malinen, Ciry Ma��age�• <br />I'ro�n: Dan Roe, Coul�cil Member <br />Subject: Bacicg�•ound Thoughts fior Nor�ns Discussion o�l Januaty 22 <br />I s�.�brnitted all of the Narms documents fi-am the va�-ao��s .imagi��e Roseville 2025 S��bcommittees for <br />inclusion with this discussion item. T4�e doc��me��ts were abtained fi•a�� the e-den�ocracy web site for <br />I�i�a�ine Roseville 2�25, so I trust il�at they are the latest. I inc►uded tl�e S��bcoit�mittee NoE•�ns to be a <br />�•eference for us as to the ]ciiids of tl3i�lgs that were add��essed by tl�ose �roups i�� setting tl��i�• ow�7 <br />Nor�r►s. <br />My introductory thoaghts on havirtg a Nor��ts discussion at tl�e cou�zcil level ste»� fro�n the fact that I <br />felt tl�tat the use af Norms co��iribt�ted to tl�e effecti�eness of the Subcom�nitte�s during the visio��ing <br />process. <br />I believe that a few, vvell-de�ned Nor���s that we aIl agree to "self enforce" a�nnn�st ourselves can <br />serve as a set of standards for beiaavior tl�at we expect of eacl� other in cancfucting our b�.�siness. They <br />coulc[ for�r► tl�e basis af ino�•e detailed as�d specific Rules of Pracedure, if we sa desirc. <br />I 1�ave no pre-conceived notions as to wl�a# our Nor�ns shoutd be, ai�d I don't think they need to be <br />liinited to oE�r wor�C at cou��cil �neeti��gs. I could see where a narin or rivo in �•elation ta l�ow we wor�C <br />together ouiside of ��Tee�ings inight �e heipfill. Perliaps at so�ne point we �nay even want to eiigage <br />the public in same Nor�ns for public �articipation in council �nee�inbs. <br />I'd like to see us focus on fairly broad notio��s with our Norins, rather than our discussion delvii�g <br />into very speci�c situatio�ls, wl7icE7, vvhile ihey may be very valuable discussin��s, cnuld unexpectediy <br />��se u� a lot of our tin�e i�1 tE1is �neetiilg. <br />Narms are only as effective as �eople's buy-iEa related to Ilavi�ag tllem, so I E�►ope we ca�l ]za�e a good <br />discussion, ar►d co�ne to so�l�e co��se�3s��s as to some Nor►�ls that we can adopt that will h�[p us as we <br />�nove fnrward and tackle other �natt�rs. <br />One suggestion tl�at comes frorr► the I�nagine Roseville 2025 use ofNoE�ms is t�►at tl�ey be re-stated at <br />the start of eact� meeting. Tl�at way, tl�ey stay fi•esh in peoples' �ninds. I am not sure how we migi�t <br />do that at council illeetiilgs, f�ut ��va��ld be open to discussio» o�� that as well. <br />