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Conununity Life an� �ivic Engage�n�nt <br />Narms <br />Qpen Approach: <br />Agree to use b� ainstorming when appropriate. <br />Wl�en �rainstorming ideas, thel-e are no bad ideas and do not argue <br />against an idea. <br />No idea or theoiy is st�pid or bad. <br />Zf it hasn't been done befare, that just means it hasn't b�en dane bef�r�, <br />not that it shouldn't be done. <br />Open Comanunication: <br />Agree to honest and open co�n�n�nication. <br />Speak your �nind. <br />Farget personal politics. <br />Ask �ox clarif catzan i�yau do noi understand. <br />Clarity is impartant. <br />Attitudes: <br />Facus on the fiztu:re, but it zs okay to talk about the present and past. <br />Di�agr�einents are okay, shouting and name-calling are not. <br />Political correctness i� not a requirement. <br />Humor is irnportant. <br />Humili�y is important. <br />Li�ten respectfully. <br />Respect each ath�r's opinion, e��n if you disagree. <br />Be considerate to others who desire io speak. <br />Disagreement is okay as long as we know wha� we disagree on. <br />Our P�-ocess: <br />Each member is allowed ta exparess an opininn on eveiything. <br />Listening is vital; you may have to repeat what someone says to you. <br />Agree to an agenda. <br />5tick to the agenda. <br />No hidden agendas. <br />Staz-� and end meetings an time_ <br />Keep moving on discussians. <br />Allow nice dogs at meetings. <br />J-uly 24, 2006 <br />