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Proposed designs for bikeways and for combined bikelpedestrian facilities must meet MnDOT <br />State Aid standards and also take MnDOT Bicycle Transportation Planning and Design <br />Guidelines into consideration. Exceptions to the State Aid standards are granted during final <br />design based on social, economic or environmental alternatives, not through this solicitation <br />process. Failure to meet the standards or justify exemptions will result in cancellation of the <br />grant and reallocation of funds. <br />State Aid rules are at <br />• Bicycling guidelines are at ht�p:/ <br />D. Amount of Available Funding for February 2007 Request for Applications <br />Up to $7.3 million in funding is available for this solicitation or request for applications. Funding <br />is available in the following three categories with the minimum and maximum grant requests as <br />specified. <br />ApplicataonCatego;�y��,�, IVGGr����� ��ar����: �.::;��,�I��i��,�,�rt�nt, <br />. '- . �. . � � r�i��u nt ; �. � � }� m�unt <br />�� . . . ` � .:�;•. . <br />�����"�{ : f`:',�? �. � :�:���_:.;.���....... . ........ -��� ��°�����_ ...�_.. <br />Planning . . . � �7 �,DUU - ��G.0�7� <br />IOperations i $20,000 $150,000 <br />I nfrastructu re $50, 000 $3, 500, 000 <br />.. ��: Fu � da�����4vaiaL� b la i#r.. <br />� � F�br4�� r} �U�7 <br />. � � �Qli�ikati�i� ' <br />.=�`��:y=..�. :��f ��'���f._I <br />jryL�� �i�.�'.� <br />$2,000,000 � <br />Totai 1 1 1 �7.300,000 <br />E. Categories of Available Funding <br />This February 2007 Request for Applications seeks applications for planning, operations, and <br />infrastructure projects. Projects will create, complete, or expand a network of sidewalks, on- <br />street bike lanes, and off-street pathways that connect to key destinations including transit <br />stops, recreationalfacilities, employment sites, shopping, housing, libraries, schools, and other <br />community activity centers. Applicants are encouraged to contact TLC to discuss any proposed <br />project priorto submitting an application. A description of the types of projects sought in each of <br />these categories is presented below. <br />'1. Grants for Site-Specific Planning and Design <br />Transit for Livable Communities (TLC) will fund up to $300,000 in applications for <br />plannir�gldesign projects that will lead to improvements in safety and accessibility for bicyclists <br />and/or pedestrians. Project proposers may submit one or more applications in this category, <br />but may only submit one application per project site or location. <br />Examples of planning projects include, but are not limited to: <br />* Planning for specific corridors or sites where bicycling and walking have not been able <br />to reach full potential due to high volume a�d/or speed of motor vehicle traffic, lack of <br />usable space, ancl/ar poor condition of bicycfe/pedestrian facilities. <br />* Interim treatments for locations where bicycle and pedestrian access is currently limited <br />or unsafe and where a more comprehensive project will not be designed or built for <br />several years. (An example would be installing a median at a high crash location where <br />a larger intersection reconstruction is not planned for several years.) <br />* Innovative treatments or demonstration projects such as contra-flowbicycle lanes on <br />one-way streets, wide bike lanes (seven feet wide or greater), head start boxes on <br />pavement for bicyclists, traffic lane reductions to make room for bike lanes, improved <br />Marcn �3,200� NTP Request forApplications — Page 5 of 34 <br />