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signalizationfor pedestrians, parking benefit districts (see Appendix E) and other <br />treatments. <br />* Studies or planning efforts to ensure that the needs of bicyclists and pedestrians are <br />considered and provided for as part of a proposed new development (e.g. shopping <br />center, housing complex, recreationalfacility, etc.). <br />� Studies or plans that address inter-jurisdiction connections for bicyclists or pedestrians. <br />An applicant whose project is selected will be asked to complete the plan or design within 12 <br />months after Notice to Proceed is given by �InDC�i. <br />2. Grants to Improve Operations <br />TLC will fund up to $2 million in applications for Operations projects that make the existing <br />transportation infrastructure safer, more convenient, and more appealing to bicyclists and <br />pedestrians. Examples of Operations projects include, but are not limited to: <br />� Stnping of bike lanes on existing roads and re-striping roads for wider outside curb lane <br />(e.g. two 12 foot lanes to one 10 foot and one 14 foot lane). <br />• Re-striping roads for conversion of four lane to three lane, including a center turn lane <br />(for traffic calming and easier pedestrian crossing). <br />� Bicycle and pedestrian amenities (e.g. benches, bicycle parking facilities, bike rental <br />program). <br />• Proven traffic calming strategies including closures and diverters (see Appendix E) <br />� Signage (way finding and trafficcontrol). <br />• Special signalizationfor bicyclists and pedestrians. <br />. Bicycle boulevards (see Appendix E for explanation). <br />� Advance boxes on roadway for bicyclists (see Appendix E for details). <br />� Bicycle parking, including racks and lockers. <br />� Signal �eiimi�g to provide automaticwalk phases or more frequent walk phases. <br />+ Signal countdowns for intersectionswith a high number of pedestrians. <br />- Shower facilities (only at locations that serve a very high number of employees who <br />ride bicycles). <br />Operations projects do not involve "turning of earth." Cost of right of way or the cost of new <br />construction are not eligible costs for Operations projects. Costs to purchase and install <br />facilities (striping, lighting, signage, benches, etc.) are eligible. TLC k�rill accept applications in <br />this funding category for more than one project location. Examples include: �} a proposer could <br />submit one application to re-stripe several different streets to add bicycle lanes within one <br />municipality or 2) a proposer could submit one application to install bicycle racks at several <br />locations within a specificjurisdiction. <br />An applicant whose project is selected will be required to complete the project within 24 months <br />after Notice to Proceed is given by MnDOT. <br />3. Grants for Infrastructure Projects <br />TLC will fund up to $5 million in applications for Infrastructure projects to create, complete, or <br />expand a network of sidewalks, on-street bike lanes, and off street pathways that connect to key <br />destinations including transit stops, recreational facilities, employment sites, shopping, housing, <br />libraries, schools, and other community activity centers. <br />Marcn �3,200� NTP RequestforApplications— Page 6 of 34 <br />