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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: 4/09/2007 <br />Item No: 7.h <br />Department Approval <br />� �' � <br />Manager Approved: <br />� <br />�te�z Description: Approve Amendments to the 2006 Budget <br />Agenda Section: <br />�'i �-��rn1 <br />Background <br />The City annually adopts budgets on the basis set forth by State Statute, and generally accepted <br />accounting principles. Although the City adopts a single all-encompassing hudget, additional <br />measures are necessary to show that all expenditureswithin the General Fund and certain Special <br />Purpose Funds are within budget appropriations, when presented in the annual financial <br />statements. <br />The legal level of budgetary control (i.e. the level at which expenditures may not legally exceed <br />appropriations) has been established at the fund level, as opposed to line-item or individual <br />programs. It is recognized that the City's Department Heads, under the approval of the City <br />Manager, may make transfers of appropriations within the department. I-Iowever, if the <br />expenditures exceed the total fund budget, a budget amendmknt must be shown. <br />It's worth noting, that these types of year-end adjustments are typical for local governments lilce <br />Roseville given the size and scope of operations. Rather than make numerous budget <br />adjustments throughout the year and incur the significant administrative costs of monitoring the <br />budget on a daily basis, it is customary to reflect the changes in one all-encompassing <br />adjustment. The year-end budget adjustments typically reflect reallocated or additional costs th�� <br />are offset bv unbud��ted �rants, fees, or other revenues. <br />2006 Budget Amendments <br />The following budget amendment to the 2006 General Fund budget is submitted for <br />consideration: <br />1) $155,000 additional appropriation for public safety-related expenditures. The added <br />public safety expenditures included $50,000 in motor fuel, and $105,000 for personnel <br />and equipment costs associated with special assignment activities or equipment <br />replacements. The additional personnel and equipment costs were offset by grants and <br />forfeiture funds that were received in prior years. <br />2� $65,000 additional appropriation for public works-related expenditures which were the <br />result of added engineer services costs that were provided to Arden Hills and Falcon <br />heights. These additional costs were offset by contract revenues from the two cities. <br />