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The following budget amendment to the 2006 Communications Fund budget is submitted for <br />consideration: <br />l� $15,000 additional appropriation for 'Other services and charges'. This represent the <br />amount paid to the North Suburban Communications Commission (NSCC) for <br />administering the City's cable franchise and coordinate local cable programming. <br />These charges are based largely on subscriber revenue, and as that revenue increases so <br />do the proportionate administrative costs. The additional expenditures were offset by <br />added revenues, which were approximately $56,000 higher than expected. <br />The following budget amendment to the 2006 License Center Func� budget is submitted for <br />consideration: <br />2) $65,000 additional appropriation for salaries, rent, and renovation costs. The volume of <br />customers served at the License Center was substantially higher than expected. This <br />was primarily due to increased volume in auto dealer licensing and the issuance of <br />passports, which required additional part-time staffing hours. In addition, final <br />renovations of the License Center were made to accommodate growth. The additional <br />expenditures were covered by added revenues, which were approximately $150,000 <br />higher than expected. <br />The following budget amendment to the 2006 Lawful Gambling Fund budget is submitted for <br />consideration: <br />l� $34,000 additional appropriation for other charges. The City remitted higher-than- <br />expected lawful gambling profits to the North Suburban Community Foundation in <br />2006. These monies are received by the City as "pass-through" monies and are <br />eventually distributed to eligible community-based groups and individuals. <br />The following budget amendment to the 2006 Information Technology Fund budget is <br />submitted for consideration: <br />�� $110,000 additional appropriation for 'other services and charges', and capital outlay. <br />In 2006, the City entered into several new Joint Powers Agreements (JPA's} to share <br />information technology and telephone support services. As a result, the City incurred <br />additional professional services costs. In addition, the City made several up-front <br />equipment purchases necessary to link Roseville's system with the systems of contract <br />cities. The additional expenditures will be covered by additional revenues derived from <br />the new JPA's. <br />Attachments <br />Excerpts of the 2006 financial statements reflecting the requested amendments for the Funds <br />noted above are attached. The amendments have been incorporated in the column marked <br />"final" budget. <br />� <br />