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'����F��' �'�}� �'€��T�T��� ACTION <br />Date: c}l9107 <br />Item No:7.e <br />I�rim�a#.�ppr4��lii��-� �41an���`r��r���d: � Y .���n�� S�[`tinn' <br />{`. �DN ��.NT <br />Il�m IM�tip[fo�; Rp�lli�?�' �'�u��t;• Park� an� F�ecre�tia�; <br />f�� p#�si fnr .+4 pprnk�a] nf F3nro Perru iis <br />1.0 Requested Action <br />1.1 Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department is requesting City Council approval for the following <br />burn pe�its to e�7hance prairie managementin the parks: <br />a) �3rG first site is the natural area around �1ae �o��ds at Lake M[c�a�-�ro�� County Park The Council <br />approved a like permit in March of 2006. The County advises that the area is approximately four <br />acres on the south end of the park. <br />b) The second site is a'/z acre area of landscape planting north of the swimming beach at Lake <br />Josephine County Park. <br />c) The third site is an area appro�mately four acres in size, on the south side �f Little Josephine. <br />�.� Background <br />i.l The purpose of the requested burns is to improve the quality of prairie vegetation by s�irnulatiizg <br />prairie grasses and flowers and eliminating non-prairie vegetation. <br />�.: RamseyCountyParksandRecreationDepartmentwillconductthebumsandtheCountywillprovide <br />all necessary equipment and personnel to insure a safe bum in a controlled manner. The Department <br />has extensive e�perience conducting cnr�trolled burns over the past 16 years. All burning is done <br />against the wind so that it moves at a slow speed, and the sites will be burned on days when il�� wind <br />blows smoke away from the street and homes iri the area. <br />3.fl Staff Recommendation <br />� 1 It is the staff s recommendation that t1ie City Council authorize the Fire Marshal to issue the tl�ree <br />bum per�nits as requested by the Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department. <br />�.IM Suggested City Council Action <br />By motion, authorize the Fire Marshal to issue three bum permits to Rarnsey County Parks <br />and Recreation Department for burns to be conducted between April 10, and May 15,2007 <br />with the following conditions: <br />