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a� �`l�e burn shall be conducted by acknowledged e�perts from the Rarnsey County <br />Parlcs and Recreation Department; and, <br />b� The burns con not be conducted if winds are in excess of 10 miles per hour. <br />�� IZa�nsey County Parks and Recreation D�parhr�ent shall notify i3y� Roseville Fire <br />Department at least two days in advance of the date and tiine of the bum. <br />d� Applicant apply for and receive a variance fro�n DNR or bum restrictions be lifted. <br />Attacl�ment: Letter of request frorn Ran�sey County Parks and Recreation Deparl�nent <br />Prepared by: Jol�n �,oft-�s, Fire Marshal <br />■ ! . .�T"iR�'�A � � iRr� <br />