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wetla�d or water resourc�. (Ord. �024, 1�-23-87) <br />408.04: PEST�CID� APPLICATI�N WARN�N� SIGNS <br />A. Warnin Si ns Re uired: All commercial appl�cators who app1Y pesticides ancl npn- <br />commercial applicators �ho ap�ly pesticicies in parks, golf caurses, atk�Ietie felds, <br />playgrounds, ar other szmilar recreational propez�y, musi post warnin�; signs on �he <br />property where the pesticicIes are appl�ed in accordance with Minnesata Statute <br />Section 188.09. <br />B. Sz�n Requiremen�s: <br />l. Warning sig�s must p�ajeet at least ei�hteen (18) i�ches above tY�e top of 1he garass <br />line. <br />2. Waarning signs must be of a�nateria� tha� is rain-resistan� for a� leas� a 48Thour <br />pexzod and must rerr�ain in p�aee at leas� 48 haurs after the time o� znitial <br />application. <br />3. Warning signs must contain the following in�oarmation printed in contrasting <br />cnlors and capitalized leiter� measuri�ag at �east on�-half inch: <br />a. Th� name of the business o:rganzzation, entity, or p�rson a�plyi�g tl�e pesticide; <br />and <br />b. The �ollowi�g language: "This area chemica�ly treated. Keep children arzd <br />�et� of� u�til (date of safe entry)." <br />4. T%e wazning sign may include �he name o�the pesticide used. <br />5. Wa�rniz�g signs must be posied. on a lawn or yard between two (2} �eet and fve (5) <br />�eet �ram the sidewa�k ax street. For parks, galf co�rses, athletic fields, <br />piaygrounds, or othex similar recreational parnpe�y, the vaarning si�;ns musi be <br />posted immediately adjaceni to areas withzn the pro�erty where pestzcides have <br />been applied and at ar near ihe entxances to the property. <br />