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3. License Fee: Tl�e a�nual license fee far a eo�nmercial �aw� �ez��lizer applicator <br />shall be one h�nctred daliars (�100A0}. The license sha�� expire on December 31. <br />The license �ee shall not be �roratect. <br />C. Cand'zt�ons o�License: Commercia� �a�wn %rtiiizer applicator licenses shall be 'rssued <br />subjec� to the fallowin�; conditions whieh shall be specifecl a� the license form: <br />�. Random Sampling: Commercial lawn fertiliz�ar app�icatoxs shall �ermii the City <br />to sample ar�y eommercial �awn fertilizer applica�ion to be app�ied wit�in the <br />City at ar�y time after i�suance of the initial lieense. <br />2. Possession af Lice�se: The commerciallawn fertilizer applicaiian license, or a <br />co�y a£ such lieense, shall be in the possession of any paxty emplayed by t�� <br />cam�nereiallawn fertilizer applicator w�en making lawn %r�ili�er applications <br />wit�in the City. <br />3. �tate Regula�ions: Licensee shall coznply wi�h the provisions of the Minnesota <br />Fertilizer, Soil Amendment, a�d P�anx Amendment Law as canfained z� <br />Minnesota Statute sections �.8C.001, e� sec�. and amend�nents �hereta. {4rd. <br />�024, I1-23-87) <br />408.03: GENERAL R]EGULATIONSe <br />A. Time of Application: Law� fezkilize� applications shall not be applied when the <br />ground is fra�en or betw�en January 1 and A�riI I 5, and betwee�: Navember I 5 and <br />December 31. <br />B. Sample Analysis Cos�: T�xe cast a� analyzing fertilizer samp�es taken from <br />c4m�nercial applica�ors sha�i be paid by the cornmercial ap�lica�ors i�` the same <br />a�alysis indieates fhai tk�e phosphate eantent exceeds the Ievels a�thorized in <br />�ubsec�zo� 408.�3C. <br />C. Phospharus use restrictions: <br />�. A p�rson may no� a�p�y a�ertilizer coniaining the plan� nutrient phasphorus to <br />turf, exce�� �nder canditions listed in parag�raph 2. <br />2. Paragraph l daes �at apply when: <br />a. a tiss�e, soi1, or other test by a laboratoxy o� �nethoc� appro�ed by the <br />commissioner and per�ormed within th� last ihree years indicates ilaat the level <br />of available phosp�orus in the soiI is insuffcient to support hea�thy turf <br />growth; <br />�. the p�aperty owner or an agent af t�e �roperty owner is first establishi�g tur�' <br />via seed or sod procedures, and oniy during the first growing seasan; oz <br />c. t1�e fertilizer contain��.�; the plant food phosphorus is used on a gQl� course <br />under the direc�io�r of a persan licensed, cer�iiied, nr appraved by an <br />organizaiio� with an ongaing training program app�oved by the commissioner. <br />3. Applicat�ans o�phc�spharous fertilizcr au�hoxxzed under paragraph 2 mus� �at <br />exceed rates recommended by the �nivexsity of Minnesota and appz�aved by the <br />commissioner. <br />D. Im�ervio�zs Surfaces: Np pexsor� shall appiy fertilizer to impervio�s surfaces. <br />E. Bu��er Zon�: Fertilizer a�plications shall not b� made within �iiy �'eet (50) of any <br />