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CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />ORDINANCE NO. f343 <br />AN INTERIM ORDINANCE ADOPTING A MORATORIUM ON RESIDENT�AL <br />SUBDIVISIONS FOR PROPERTIES LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF <br />ROSEVILLE <br />THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE HEREBY ORDAINS: <br />SECTION I. Purpose. The City of Roseville has, over the past se��ral years, b�en <br />faced with requ�sts %r subdivision appraval in th� cantext af many differing pennit <br />approval processes. These requests have led the City Council to question whether it's <br />current regulation�, as set forth in the zoning ordinance and i�s��subdivi�ion controls, and <br />the current regulatory standards as set forth in those documents;, adequately encompass <br />__._.v <br />goals, policies and objectiv�s t�at tfie Ci.ty_of Rosevi�l�-vvishes t� follow in order ta <br />advance the in�erests of public health, safety and welfare.. ��-� �' <br />� _ _. _. <br />___: _ . <br />The City recognizes that development and redevelopmeni as represented by subdivision <br />rec�uests that come befare the City pase challenging questions that need to be examined <br />due to the nature and extent of the particular r�quests, the various and unique features of <br />parts o� the City, and ques�ions relating to the goals that the City wishes to advance <br />through regulatian of the subdivision process. <br />The intent af this moratorium is ta provide the City a reasonable period of tim� to review <br />existing land use and development policies and proactively plan for future subdivision <br />within the Ciiy o� Ros�ville. During the moratorium period, �he City will, through �he <br />Raseville Planning Comn�issian, undertake a pracess to review its land use plan and <br />objeetives, its ordinances, and receir�e input and informatian as it deems appropriate and <br />necessary to det�rnline what type and form of subdivision regulation is best fiar the public <br />health, safety and welfare of the community. <br />SECT��N 2. Subdivision Moratoriurri. The Roseville City Council hereby adopts a <br />moratarium, pursuant ta Minnesota Statu�e Section 462.355, Subdivision �, on the receipt <br />and pracessing ai future requests far subdivisians of lots zaned R-1 single farnily <br />residential, whether these �ake ihe form of requests for minor subdivzsion appravaT, major <br />subdivision appraval, subdivisians involved in planned unit developments, any replatting <br />or recombinatian or changing of Iat lines, or any other action which otherwise creates ane <br />or mare new lots, within the boundaries �f the City af Roseville. <br />The City Council wi11 consider practical changes to the City Code as it relates �o such <br />splits, inciuding, but not limit�d to: <br />