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a. Name, address and tel�pha�e nt�mber of appiicant and any iz�dividuals <br />authorized to represe�t tk�e applicant. <br />b. Description o�' lawn �ertilizer form�z�a paroposed to be applied on law�,s within <br />the Ci�y. <br />c. A t�me schedule for application o� lawn fertilizer and identifcatzon of weather <br />� co�di�ions acceptable �or lawn. fertiiizer ap�lication. <br />2. Fer�iiizer Sample: A chemicaT analysis ofa samp�e o�tk�e lawn fe�tilizer shal� be <br />submitted to the Ci�y along with the initia� app�ieation �or a Iicense and at least <br />thi�rty (30) days �e�ore fertilizer compasitxon chan�es are implemented. Said <br />analysis �ha11 be cer�'rfied by an �ndependent testing laboratory. <br />3. License Fee: Tk�e ann�.al license %e fior a commercial Iawn fertilizer ap�licator <br />shall be one hundred dollars ($104.04). The license shall expire on Decembez� 31. <br />T�e lzcens� fee shall not be pzoraiecl. <br />G Conditions af License: Comrn�rcial lawn fertili.�er applxcator licenses sha1� be issued <br />subject to the �ollowing condi�ions which s�all be specifed on the license �'ann: <br />I. Random Sampling: Commercial iaw�: fertilizer applicators shall permzi the City <br />to sample any commercial lawn �ertilizer applica�ion ta be a�plied within the <br />Czty at any time aftear iss�ance o£th� initial Iicense. <br />2. Possession of Licen�e: The commerci�l �awn �'e�tilizer appTication license, az� a <br />copy o� s�ck� license, shall be in t�e �as�essxon oi any party emplayed l�y the <br />cnmmercial Iawn fertilizer applicato� when mal�ing Iawn fe�tzl�zer applications <br />within the City. <br />3. State Re�;ulations: Lice�see sha1L comply with the �ro�isions o�the Minnesota <br />Fertilizer� � Soi� Amendment and P�a�t Amendm�nt �'^�aT#y^n�� Law as <br />co��ai�ed zn M�nnesota Statut� sectians ''' '" , 4"��„�" ���' ar�'�,�;��, ���«wn <br />�-} 1$C.001 ei. se . and amendinents thereia {Oret. 1024, Z 1-23-8"7) <br />405.03: GENERAL REGULAT��NS: <br />A. Time oi Application: Lawn fertiliz�r applications s�ail nat be applied when the <br />graund is frozen o� befvcreen January I and A�ril � S, and between November � S and <br />Decembear 3 � . <br />B. Sam�le Ana�ysis Cost: The cc�st of ana�yzing %rtilizer samples take� �'�om <br />commercial applicators sha�l be paid by the commercial applxcators if the same <br />analysis indicates ��a� tk�e phosphate content exceecis tk�e le�els authorized in <br />subsection 408.03C. <br />%7 �'iari���.-�ny+ �'�.r�n£�ani_ <br />'��' <br />d <br />• y � � <br />v.�Fr�i.zn m r,� 1-�.nr. 7-�ar�a d <br />7 <br />7 ' <br />� <br />