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� • <br />C. Phos ho�us use restrictions: <br />l. A ersan ma not a� a�ertilizer contair�i� the lant nutrient l�as hor�.is to <br />turf except under conditions listed in�axagraph 2. <br />2. Pa�a ra h 1 does nat a 1 when: <br />a. a tissue soxl o� aiher test b a Iaborato or method a roved b the <br />cam�nissxoner and erfor��e� within ihe last thxee ears indicat�s i:hat ihe level <br />of ava��a�le hos horus i� the soil is insufficient to su ort h�altk� turf <br />r� ourth; <br />b, th� ro ert ow�er or an a ent of fihe :ra e� own�r is first es�ablishin tur� <br />via seed nr sad rocedures and a�z� �uriri the first rawi� season• ar <br />c. the fe�iz�izer containin the lant �`ood hos horus is used on a oIf course <br />u;�d�r ihe direciion af a erson licensed cer�if ed or a roved b an <br />o� anization with a� an oin trainin ra :ram a rovecl b�:he commzssioner. <br />3. A lieations o� �aos horous fertilizear auihozized under ara �ra h 2�nust not <br />exceed rates xecomYnended h the U�zversit of Minnesata and a roved b tk�e <br />commzssioner. <br />D. �mpervious Surfaces: No persa� s�atl apply �'ertilizez to i�np�rvious sur�aces. <br />E. Sut'fer Zone: Fertilizer applications slaall nat be made witki� ��ftv �eet {1-8}�50�. of az�y <br />wetland or water resaurce. (4rd. 1024, 11-23-87) <br />408.04: PESTICL�]E APPLICATION WARNING S�GNS <br />�.. Warnin Si ns Re uired: AlT commercial a�zcators who a 1 es��cides and non� <br />commercia� a��cators who a l esYieides in arks oIf cc�u�ses athleiic felds <br />la round.s or o�%er similar r�creat�onal ro e �nust ast warnin si ns on the <br />ro ert where tl�e esticide� are a�ied in accordazace with Minne�ota Statufe <br />Sectian 18B.09. <br />B. Si�n�,Requirements: <br />�. Warnin si ns must ro'eet at least ei �teen 18 i�ch�s a�ove the to o�'the rass <br />Iine. <br />2. Warnir� sz ns must be of a material that is rain-�r�sis�ant for at least a 48-hour <br />eriod and mus� remain in lace at leasi 48 hours after the time of inztial <br />ap��ication. <br />3. War�in si r�s must cantain the followir� in�axnaat'ron rin�ed in can�rastin <br />calors and ca italized �etters measurzz� at l�ast one-hali inch: <br />a. The name a�i�e business or azazzatio� entit or erso� a 1 in the esticide• <br />a�d <br />b Tk�e followin la��ua�e: "This area chemzcallX�xeated. Kee�_child�en and <br />ets off until da�e o� sa£e ent ." <br />4. The warni� si n ma include the name o�'the est�cide used. <br />