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sECZ�oN: <br />408.01: Purpase <br />40$.02: Commercial Applicator Regulations <br />408.03: General Regu�ations <br />408.04: Pesticide Application Warning Signs <br />448.01: PURPOSEa <br />Th� Ciiy has canducted studies and has reviewed existing data to determine the cu�ent <br />and projected water qua.�iiy o�various Iakes wzthin its community. The data indica�es ihat <br />lake water quality �nay be maintained a�d improved if the City is al�le to regula�e the <br />amount oi lawn fiertilizer and other chemzcals entering �h.e �akes as a result of stvran water <br />runoff or other causes. The p�zpose of this Sectiort is to define regulations which will aid <br />the Cit� in maintai�ing and i�n�;raving lake resnurces which are enjoyed by its residents <br />and othe;r users. (Ord. 1 Q24, I��23-$7) <br />408.02: C4MMERCIAL APPL�CATOR REGULATI4NS: <br />A. License Requiared: No person shali engage in the business oi' com�nexcial lawn <br />fertilizer appl�cator within the C�ty unless a license �as been obtained irom the City <br />Manager, as pravided ir� subsection 40$.028. <br />B. License Appiication Praceclure: Applicaizons �ar a eomrnercial lawn applicator license <br />�or a calendar year sk�a11 be submztted ta the Ciiy Manager at Ieast thirty (30} days <br />prior to the initial lawn fertilize� ap�lication each year vvzthzr� ihe City. The <br />applica�ian shall consist of the following: <br />1. Application Fonn: Appl'zcation forms shal� be provided by the Ciiy and shall <br />z�ac�ude the follawin� in�ormation: <br />a. Name, add�ess and telephoa�e nu��nber of ap�l'zcant and any individuals <br />aut�orized to repr�sent the applieant. <br />b. Deserzption o� law� �'ert�lizer formula p:raposed to be app�ied an Iawns wiihi� <br />the City. <br />e. A timc schedule far appiication o� lawn fertilizer anct identiiicatior� n� weath�r <br />con�itio�s acce�table for lawn �er�'riizer application. <br />2. Fer�ilizer Sample: A ch�rr�ical analysis of a samp�e o�the lawn fertilizex shali l�e <br />submitted to the City along with the ini�ial application for a licea�se and a�: least <br />thirty (30} days before ��rtilizer eompasition c�an�es are i�nplemented. Said <br />anaTysis shalt be certified by ar� i�dependent testing �aharatary. <br />