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EXTRACT UF N�INUTES QF MEETING 4F THE <br />CZTY OF ROSEVILLE <br />Pursuant to due call and notice ihereof, a regular mee�ing of the City of Rnseville, Co�niy <br />o�Ramsey, Minnesata, was duly called and held a� the City Hall an Monday, the 18th day o#� <br />Ju�'2007, at 6:00 p.rn. <br />TI�e �o�lowing rnernbers were present: <br />az�d the fallowir�g were al�sent: <br />Cou�cii MQZnbe�' introdueed tiae fol�owing resalution and rnoved i�s <br />adoption: <br />�ESOLUTION NO. XXXXX <br />RES4LU'�"�ON IDENT�FYING T�E N�ED T�R <br />LIVA.BLE C0�1�iMUN�T�ES DEMON��'RAT�C3N ACCOUNT FUNDTNG AND <br />AUTH�RIZTNG AN APPLTCATION FOR G12AIVT FUNDS <br />WHEREAS the City of Raseville is a participan� in the Livable Communities Act's Housing <br />�ncentives Pragram fax 2007 as detez�ined hy the Metropolitan Cauzxcil, and is therefore eligible <br />to apply for Livable Cam�nuniti�� Demanstration Aceouni fiu�ris, and <br />WHEREAS the City �as identified a pro�osed project within the City t�at meets the <br />DerrzonstxatiQn Accaunt's purpases and criteria ar�d is consistent wz�h and promates the purpnses <br />a£ �he Me�ropolita.n Livai�le Communities Act arad the policies af th� Metropnli�an Council's <br />adopted rnetropolitan develop�a.e�rt guide; and <br />WHEREAS tl�e City has the instit;u�ional, rr�anagerial and financial capability to er�sure adequaie <br />praject adrninisiratian; and <br />WH�REAS the C�ty certi�es that it will carriply with al� applieable law� and regulaiions as <br />stat�d zn t�e grar�t agreement; and <br />WHEREAS �he City agr�es to act as lega� spnr�sor for the pxoject contained iz� the grant <br />application sub�iited on July 16, 2007; axd <br />W�ER�AS t�� City acknovviedges Livable Cnrnmunities Dernonstration Account grants are <br />intendec� to iunc� projects or projec� compo�ents that can sexve as rnndels, examples or protatypes <br />for developrzaer�t or redevelopznent projeets elsew�ere zn the region, and �k�erefore arepxesenis t�at <br />the proposed project ox key cornponents of �he proposed praj�ct can be replicated in other <br />m.etrp�aol�tan-area eo��nunities; and <br />'4i'HEREAS only a limited arr�ou�t of g�ant fi�nding is available ihraugh t�e Melxopoliian <br />Cauncil's Livable Communities De�nonstration Accaun� duxing eac� �'unding cycle and the <br />Metropolitan Co�uncil has de�ermined it is appropriate tn ailocate those scarce grarit funds only to <br />�ligible �roj�cts that would nnt occuz- witho�t the avai�ability of D�monstratiar� Account graz�t <br />�'undiz�g. <br />NOW THEREF'O�iE BE IT RESOLVED that, a£ter appropriate e�carnination and du� <br />