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consideraiion, the gove�zng body ni the City: <br />�'inds that it is in the b�st z�zterests of the Ci�.y's development goais and przori�ies �or the <br />pxopased project to accur at t�tis partic�lar site ar�d at this particular tirne. <br />2. Finds thai the projeci cornponent(s) far whieh Livable Communiizes Demonstaration Account <br />iunding is sought: <br />{a) will no� occur solely through p�ivate or othear public investrnen.t witk�i� ihe reasc�nabty <br />fnreseeable :�u�ure; and <br />{b) wiXl �ot occur within two years after a grant award unless Livable CQmmunities <br />Demons�ration Account funding is rnade avazlabl� �or t�ais project ai this ticz�e. <br />3. Repres�nts that the City �as unflertaken reasonable and gaod faith effnrts to procure funding <br />foar the pxojec� component �ar which Livable�ities Dernonstration Accouni fiu�.d�ng <br />is sought but was nat able ta �nd or s�cure frozza. aiher sourc�s fuz�diz�g that �s �ecessary for <br />project cornpoz�ent caar�apletzon within two years and states that this repr�sentation is based <br />on ik�e £ol�owing reasons and su�porting facts; <br />4. Authorizes its Communiiy Developme�zt Deparirnent to subtnit on behalf of tihe Ciiy an <br />applzcatiaz� for Metrapplitan Council Livabte Communities Demnns�ration Account grant <br />funds �'or the project component(s) identified in t�e applica�ion, and ta execufe such <br />agreements as may be necessary to i�plement tne praject on beha�f af tk�e Czty. <br />The motinn �'or thc adopiion of the foregoi�g resalutzon was duly secc�nded by Co�eil <br />Member and upon vota being taken thezeon, the following vnted in favoz-: ; <br />and voted a�ainst; <br />WHERELTP4N said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />