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� advaz�ce. T�zs Cv�tract is a license £nr fihe C�TY �o act, and it sk�all not be necessar� �or the <br />2 CITY to see� a court a�dex �or pez-z�nzssiaz� ta enter the land. Wk�en the C�TY c�aes a�ny such <br />3 �rork, the C�TY z�nay, zn additio� �o its ot�er xezz�edies, asses� the cost in whole or in paz-l. <br />s 16. Misce��aneous. <br />6 <br />7 A. The DEVELOPER represents to the CITY that ihe site complies w'rth a1I city, caunty, <br />8 metropalitan, state and federal laws and regulations includir�g, but not limiied to: <br />9 subdivisiQn ordir�ances, zaning ordinances and enviro�mental regulations. If #he <br />10 CITY dete�aines t�at ihe s�te does z�ot co�ply, the C�TY z�nay, at its optioza, re£use to <br />t 1 allow co�siructian or develapza�a�z�t wor% in il�e siie until the DEVELOPER does <br />�2 cnm�ly. U�on the CTTY's dei�and, the DEVELOPER shall cease work r�n�il ti�ere is <br />13 <br />14 <br />XS <br />lG <br />z� <br />18 <br />19 <br />�o <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />2s <br />29 <br />30 <br />C <br />C�' <br />coz�pliaxace. <br />Third parties shall have no recaurse agai�s� �he CITY under �I�is Cantract. <br />Breach oi the terms af this Cantract by the DEVELOPER shall be gxounds %r denial <br />c�f building pezxz�its, ancludin� lots sa�d tp t�ird parties. <br />D. �� any �artzon, section, subsectio�, sentence, clause, para�ra�ln az phrase o�' this <br />Ca�tract is for any zeason �eld i�valid, suc� decz�io� s�a�l not a:ffect ihe vaIidity of <br />the remair�in� partion af this Contract. <br />E. I�' buiIding �ermits are issued prior to ihe cornple�ion anc� acceptance of public <br />improvements, the DEVELO�ER assumes alI liability anc� costs resuliing in de�ays in <br />co�npl�tion of public improvern�nts caused by �he CITY, DEVELOPER, i#s <br />contractors, subcan�raetors, �aterialm�n, eznployees, a�;enis o� third parties. �o <br />occupa�cy perznit shall be issued ��nti� pub�ic iznprove�e�ats iz� Parag,�a�� 7 are zn and <br />approved by tl�e CITY. <br />31 F. T�.e ac�ic�� or i�acfiio�z of �he C�TY shall nat canstitute a waivear or anraendz�ent to �he <br />32 provisions of tl�is Caniract. To l�e binding, arr�end�nents or waivers s�all he in <br />33 writing, signed by �he �arties and appraved by written resolution oit�e City Couneil. <br />34 The CITY's failure ta pr€�mptly tiake legal action to enforce this Cantract shall not be <br />35 a waiver or reIease. <br />36 <br />37 G. This Can�ract shali �n with �he land and inay be recort�ed agaznst tlae t�tle to the <br />3� pra�erty. Aftex t�e DEVELO�ER has comp�eted the woz�k rec�uzred o£ �t under thx� <br />39 contract, at the DEVELGP�R'� request, ihe CTTY wilI execuie and detiver �o the <br />4o DEVELOPER a release. <br />41 <br />42 H. Eack� righ�, power or remedy herein confez�ed ��an the C�TY is c�nulative and in <br />43 additian to every oti�er r'rght, power or remedy, express or impiied, now or hereafter <br />44 a.t'ising, available to t�ae CITY, at law or in equi�y, ar u�der any other agreemen�, and <br />4s eac� and evezy rigkZt, power and �ernedy �eze�n set �orth o� otherwise so existi�g �nnay <br />�6 be exercised fro�� tazne ta ti�xae as afte�. a�d in such order as may be dee�ed <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />