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l a� �vay, within the dedicated easements and in the eomman open areas �vi�l be the r�sponsibility <br />z o�'the DEVEL�PER qr �rivate utility ca�npany that instal��d them. <br />� 13. Warran , The DEV�LU�'ER warranties all war� required �o be per#'arrrred by it against poor <br />s ma�erial and faulty worl�manship for a period of one { 1}�ears after its completion and <br />s accepiance by the CITY. AlI trees, grass and sad shall be warr�ted to be alive, of good qualiry <br />7 and disease free for twelve (12) months after planti�g. <br />9 14. Respc�nsibxlitv �ox Costs. <br />�o <br />1� A. Exeept as ot�ez-w�se speci�'ied herei�, the DEVEL4�'ER s�all pay all casis i�curared <br />12 by it or the CITY i�a conjunction w�t�. t�� development of the site ir�eluding, hut not <br />13 lim��ed to, Ramsey Canservation District cl�arges, legal, planni�g, ea�gineeri;�g and <br />14 inspection expenses incuzxed in coz�z�eetion wit� apparoval ar�d aceep�azzce of 1he site, <br />15 the preparation of this Caniract, az�d all cosis ar�d e�penses incurred by the CITY in <br />16 �nonitoring and ir�spec�ing developmen� of the site, and �he en�'orcement o� this <br />1'7 contract. <br />18 <br />�9 B. The DEVELOPER shall hold the CITY and its of�cers and employe�s harmless from <br />2p claims made by itself and third partie� %r dalnages sus�ained ar costs incurred <br />zl �esulii�g fro�a siie approva� and deve�oprz�ent. T�e DEVEL4PER s�aali iz�dem�n:a�y <br />22 th.e CITY and zts officers aaad e�aployees for a�l costs, da�nages ar expenses which t�� <br />23 CTTY may pay or incur in cor�sec��ence of such claims, including attnrney's fees. <br />2�t <br />25 C. T�e DEVELOPER shall pay, or cause io be paid when due, and in arty event before <br />26 a�ny penalty is attached, all char�es �eferred to 'rn this Contract. This is a personal <br />27 obligaiion o� the DEVELOPER and shall eontinue in full forc� and e£feci even if the <br />28 DEVEL4PER sells one or more lots, t�e entire site, Q� any pa�t of it. <br />29 <br />3o D. The DEVELOPER shall pay in f�ull all bills submitted to it by the CTTY for <br />3� abligations i�e�.u7red under th�s Con�rac� withz� tk�irty (30) days after ;receipt. �� the <br />32 bills not paid an tizz�e, the C�TY znay halt �ite de�velopment work and constzuctio� <br />33 incl�ding, but not limited to, the issuance of buildin� �er�ni�s fnr lots which �he <br />34 DEVELOPER may or may not have so1d, until �l�e bills are paid in fiilI. Bills not paid <br />3S within thirty (30) days shall accrue interes� a� the ra�e of r�ine �ercent (9%) per year. <br />36 <br />37 E. In addiiion ta the charges referrec� to herein, o#her charges may be irnpos�d such as, <br />38 but not limited to, sewer avaiIability ck�arges ("SAC"), czty wa�er ca�ectian charges, <br />39 eiiy sewer cannec�ion charges, city st��-rn water coz�nectia� c�arges and buildiz�g <br />�o perrnit fees. <br />�1 <br />42 <br />�3 15. IIEVELOPER's Default. Tn the event af defa�lt by the DEVELOPER as io any of t�e work to <br />�4 be performed �y ii heretznder, ihe CITY may, at its opiian, perform the work and the <br />45 DEVELOPER shall promptfq reiinbur�e the CITY £or any expez�se incurred by the CITY, <br />4& provideci the DEVEL4�'ER �s £'�rst g�ven z�ptice a� ihe wor� in defauIt, not less thar� 48 hours in <br />Page 4 0�' 7 <br />