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REQUEST FOR COUNC�L ACTIQN <br />DATE: 6/�8/07 <br />TTEM NO: 10.e <br />Depax�ent Ap�xoval: ��� e Agenda Sectzon <br />�'S --J � <br />�tem Descxiptio�: Request �y United �opert�es (ii� coope�atio�� wirh the �ra�e�ty owners) for a <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT, REZONIiOTG, and GENERAL COliTCEPT <br />PLANNED UNIT DEVEL4PMENT to redevelop the pro�exty at 3d10 <br />Cleveland Avenue North into ar� age-restricted coope�ative housing <br />development (PF07-00G) <br />� a0 REQUESTED ACTIDleT. <br />1.1 United Praperties seek appraval o£ a PRE�,IMINARY PLAT, REZONING, and <br />GENERAL CONCET'T PLANNED UN�T DEV�LO�'MENT ta redevelop tkze praperty at <br />301D C�eveland Aven�ze North wit� a 93-�nit age-restricted caoperative housing <br />develo�ament. <br />PRC3,�ECT REVIEW HIST4RY <br />• A�plications �ubrnitted: April 6, 2007 <br />• Detez�a:i�ed Ca�aaplete: May 21, 200'7 <br />w 60-Day Review Deadline: July 20, 2007 <br />• Project Reparti Recammendatian: June 6, 2007 <br />* Plar�ning Cornrnission Actian: Tune 6, 2007 <br />• Anticipated C�ty Cou�czl Actian: June 1$, 2007 <br />2.0 SUMMAKY OF RECOMMENDATION: <br />2.1 On June 6, 2007 the Rosevil�e Planning Comrxzission held the public hearing regarding <br />United Prope�ties' applicatian. The Coznznission vated (�-1) ta c�eny t�e requestec� <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT, REZONING, and GENERAL CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT <br />DEVELOPMENT. The Plan�in� Division. had recar�.mendecl approva� ta the �'Ianni�g <br />Co�n�a�issioz� and cantinues to reeam�znend approval ta the City Courzci�. <br />3.4 SUGGES'�'ED ACTION: <br />3.1 B�' MOTION, Apprave the request for a PR�LIMINAItY PLAT, REZONING, a►nd <br />G�NERAL CONCEPT PLANNED FJNIT DEVELQPMENT at �010 C�eveland <br />Ave�a�e Nvrth wit� eaz�da�ipns outlineci in Sectian �1.1. <br />P�'07-OOb RCA_061847 Page 1 of 9 <br />