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4.0 TROJECT SnEC�FICS: <br />�.1 U�aited Properties seeks approval of a PRELIMINARY PLAT, REZpNING and <br />GENERAL CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT DEVEL(}PMENT pertainizag ta their deszre to <br />redevelap the property at 3010 C�ev�land t�,ve��uc North from a single-family horne wi�h <br />ur�develapeci praperty ir�to a�ornier iruck �:erminal into a 93-�it a�;e-restricied <br />eooperative hQUSing develap�neni. <br />4.2 The GENERAL CONCEPT proposal seeks to plac� a 4-s�ory 93-�it age-restricted <br />cooperative housing developTnent o� the s�te. As currently proposed tl�e developzza.e�t <br />woulc� be accessed from Cle�v�land Avenue North approximately mid-point between <br />Caunty Road� C2 ancl D. The proposed priinary aeeess wotald provid� access ta a below <br />grade par�izxg struct�€re located be�eath th� building, �o an at-grade resident/guest <br />�ar�Cing lot �d �a the adjacent Laz�gton Lake Park parking lot. <br />4.3 T�e subjeet properiy at 3010 Cleveland Avez�ue Nartl� lies at the far northerr� edge of the <br />Twin Lalces Redevelopment Area. The property has a Caza�p�rehez�szve Land Use <br />designation of Business Par�c and. a� existiz�g zoni�g deszgnat'ron of Single�Farnily <br />Resid�ntial (R-1 }. <br />5.0 LAND USE/COMPREHENSTVE PLAN: <br />S.T Tl�e City af Roseville's Comprehensive Plan currently desigrtates the �ubject properiy as <br />"BP-Buszness �'ark." � <br />5.2 The subject property also zs ea�sidered to �ae withi�, t�ough at the periphery of, the Twin <br />Lakes Redev�lopment Area. I� should be nofied, l�owever, tl�at sorne p�blic documexts <br />oz�z�its this partic�lar property from t�e Twin Lake� Redevelopment Area � staff and �he <br />city attorney are cantir�ui�g to research its incl��ian in t�e Twin Lakes area. <br />S.3 T�e Minneso�a Court of Appeals' August 10, 20Qb ru�iz�g cancluded that the City fi�.rther <br />an�e�ded the Caz�aprehenszve �'laza to rre�lect �he Twin Lakes. Business Park Master P�at� <br />(at�achecl as Exhibit A) in 200I. The Master Plan speci£'ically states: "[tk�zs] new rraaster <br />plan azxendmez�t o� 200 Z will desig�ate t�e a�eas as "BP" — B�tsiness Par�C." The 2001 <br />Mastex P�an alsa includes �'aur futuz�e land-use z�aps ("Options 2, 3 anc� 4" and ihe "Twin <br />Lakes AUAR Future Lai�d Use Scenario"} and several pages of te�t describing futur� <br />land-use se�narios anci goals. <br />5.4 Staff has concluded (�ith the input o� �he Ciiy Attar�ey's Off ice), that the underlying <br />Cona.prehensive �'lan designal:ian a�the subject area is "BP — Business Park" in a manner <br />�hat is concept�ally consi�tent with t�e znix o�uses a�zd siated goals t�Zat are d�scribcd in <br />the maps a�nd text of the 20Q1 Master Plan. <br />5.5 The uses envisianed within the Camprehcnsiv� Plan desig�atipn o� "BP — Business �'ark" <br />include: o£fice, o£�'ice-�a�a�atozy, off ce-s�aowrooxn-ware�ousing, bio-�echnical, <br />biamedical, hig�i--tech software and hardware production uses wzth support s�rvices such <br />as lirnited reta�l, �ealth, fitness, lodgirzg a�d znulti�'aznily hausing. <br />PP�'i-Ot36 RCA_�61807 Page 2 of 9 <br />