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11.4 Qne rr�ernber of the p�zblie, Mr. SangwQn Sun, pxesez�ted a s�aadaw study that resu�ted in a <br />degree af shadow irnpacts that he concluded were exce�sive. <br />11.5 Also at the nr�eetin�, the applicant presented a shadow st�dy �hat they had prepared (by <br />thei� ca�sultant Jirz� Caulc�s o£ Sc�aell-Madse�� Engineerzng) wlaich illustrated a lesse:r <br />i�npact. <br />11.� Ultitxaately, ihe �'la�a�ing Cozza.tnissiQn reco�ended denial o�'ihe application� (by a vQie <br />of 4 ta 1 with two Co�nmissioners absent) based an t�eir findings ihat t�ae praject: <br />a) d�d no� provide a sufficien� trat�si�ia� �ext to a single-£at�zly neighborhaod, and; <br />b) prac��ced "�e�ative in�uences �rnrn hei�ht, scale and mass." <br />12.0 STAFF RECUMMENDATIt7N: <br />12.1 Th� Plannin� Staff reco�nmends APPROVAL of the PREL�M�NARY �'LAT, <br />REZUNING, atzd GENERA.L CONC�PT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT by <br />United Properties for �he property at 3010 Cleveland Avenu� North with a 93-unit age� <br />restricted coo�erative ha�sing development with the £ollowiz�g ca�.c�itzons: <br />a T�e proposed structurre zn�st incozporate slopeci roofs, to lower overall height, and <br />ot�ear archztectural elements �o further er�hance the structuxe and reduce the visual <br />mass of the building. <br />b Buxlding mat�rials must be cansz�tent witl� Sectzon 1.010 0� the Rase�il�e City <br />Cade an:d be a mix of architectural �etal, glass binck, natural stor�e, cnlnr <br />impregnated concre�e masonry units, stucco ar otk�ez' �ig� quality, durable <br />products. <br />c The submittal of �nal grading, drainage, anc� utiiity pians to be areviewed and <br />a�proved by the Public Works Depar�ment. Tl�is review may inc�ude <br />con�idera�ion by the �'ublic Works, Environme��, a�d Transpoztatian Coz�aittee <br />(�'WETC) and address tkze itennslconcerns indicated in the e-rr�ail dated May 23 <br />from Ciiy Engineer Deb Bloom. <br />d The Roseville Fire Marshall shall ap�rove al� £'ire hydrant �acations. <br />The submittal of final siie and landscape plans to be r�viewed by the Planning <br />Division and Parlcs Department. The landscape plan zzaust i��clude year raund <br />screening froxn t�e road aud parking lot from the adjacent (north) residential <br />properties. <br />The proposed pa��C access �aad is io be ca�struc#ed by the applicaz�t {subject �a a <br />Publie Improvement Agree�nent} at their cos� and su�asequently dedicated as <br />pu�lic ri�ht-o� way; <br />g The praposed raad meet all City standards and be af a width of 24�' except �hat <br />partaa� of the �road lying wes� a£tk�e proposed cooperative �arkin� lot �where �he <br />P�(?7-006_RCA_061807 1'age 8 af 9 <br />