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Use Plan. The DRC withheld a�pro�al of the plan, however, in order to s�ek fi�rtla�r <br />clar��cation on the a�nission of a�ark access raad as identifi�d in the 1�86 "Langton <br />Lake Parl� Master Pla�1" (attach�dj. Th� dev�loper respond�d that they did nat include <br />the access road for two �riz�nary reasons: 1) the presence of wetland areas in t�e �rapaseci <br />park access areas, and ; 2) their conclusion that dedicating the property %r par� access <br />{as s�awn i�z the 19$6 "Langta�� Lake �'arl� Mastear �'laz�"') res�zlted zn �z�anczal <br />infeasibility af the project due io removal nf developable area. In their response to the <br />DRC, the developer asse�tec� their opi;�ia� th;at ihere wau�d he ot�er "�ess �r�pactful <br />ap�roac�ies," that �rauld allow the� to feasibiy devela� the site whiie providing the <br />neecied access. <br />10.4 On April 19, 2007 �he DRC met again to review the developer's response �o questio�s <br />raised at the previou� DRC meeting. Ai i�at me;eting, �he DRC support'�;d a <br />reco�endation to approve the laz�d-use application as long as a conce�ed �ffo�t was <br />made to iden�iiy an acceptable park access road l�etween Cleve�and Avenue �d �he <br />Laz�gta� Lake Parl� par�i�ag lat. <br />10.5 On Apri127, 20Q7, the Community Developrnent Direcior, Parks and Recreation Direc�or <br />ar,d �'ublxc Worlcs Directar rne� with tl�� applicants and with a design cansultant <br />representing the city. At that rr�eeting, a site �lan was devela�ed ihat garnered general <br />conser�s�s among �he group. T�at site plan is reflected in tl�e eurrent application. <br />1 Q.6 On May 22, 2007, ihe Pubiic Work�, Environment ar�d Transpartation Commission <br />(P`iVETC) discussed the appIicafion. A1 that meeting the group raised a n�ber of <br />quesiio�s that are in need o� furthear review, i�cluding: di�ferentiaizng public verst�s <br />private facilities, identifying sidewalk locations, it�rther information on tl�e propased <br />wetland z�iiigation, adherez�ce ta wetlarzd setbacks, right-af way wzdth and t�e design of <br />�ne �roposed cul-de-sac. Many of t�ose coneerns have since �een adc�ressed by: <br />o Further refinement of �he �ark access road design speciizcations; <br />o Staff's recQrnmendation tha� the park aceess road be constructed by the applica�� <br />bul: be dedicated as public right-of way, a�zd; <br />a Additional clarificatiozz on sidewal� locaiion.s. <br />1�a0 PLANNING C0IVIMISSION CQNSIDERATI�N <br />11.1 4n June b, 2407, t�e Raseville Planx�ing Cc��a.znission �eld a Public Hearing to ca�sidex <br />the request by U�ited Properties far a Preliz�inazy Plat, Re�o��ing, and GerzeraI Concepfi <br />Pianned L�nit Development ai 3010 Cleveland Ar�enue North. <br />1 I.2 At that meetin�, Planning Staff reeo�aa�.aended approval of the a�plicatio� with a nuarxaber <br />o� cp�dit�ans. <br />11.3 During the Public Hearing, tl�e� mernbers of ihe public tesfified regarding the proposal. <br />All ti�ree of the indiv'rduals testiiy'rng opp�sed ihe development on a n�rr�ber of grounds — <br />pri�xaaz�ily related io t�e kzeaght af tJ�e p�apo�ed buil�.ing, �h.e po�entiat s�adows crea�ed by <br />the �aeight of the building and concerns regarding traffic on the pro�osed zoad. <br />PPfl7-406_RCA 061807 Page 7 of 9 <br />