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Attacl�rr�eat F <br />������� �.�.��� �� ������"�'��� ���������� <br />I49JLl <� J1 S�✓ TJ'1' �J� H RA Y�`tp �6Ji' , �. ��.�..fL V� .(s'V'V' I <br />Y9.`lJ�.ALJ P k.RJ.iLJlE:f `��w�A X AA��AJ � f r4JV'Z AY.31 <br />��5��'�`d �ract� Ler�.i, Ja�obsa�, Jola�zso��, Ka�nxath, K�vze�, �edersc�n, Rista�w, �-�ark <br />,����T'To Wi����rs (called to noii�y sfaff o� a�se�ce) <br />�'��'�'�`: Srokke, Ar�fang, Sch��tz; Boe�chea•, Maxey, Gas�i, Ev�nsoz� <br />G���'�: Alex �-�aII, U�t�d Praperties <br />1. �"�`��I�3T�"�'�t��I�11�0Y1I., �A.L�,(�'�T$L�� �� �`I' <br />Na P�blic Co�n.ment <br />�.. �'�4: ��� 9� .['9�:R..A i.9�` 9..�5�7 "" lYA_tA.d��.�R.�- !�9 �tl� ! 1P'ffiY'..� A �J.Q� . <br />Co�r�a�sio� �eeor�tatz���d���c��a; Ulinutes o�the N� 6; 2007 meeti�g w��e unanirnc�usty appraved> <br />3. �'I`�� PIt����'�'I�� ����R 7�I��.T��� P��P��� �� � �.�t��TCDI�I ��I� �'A� <br />Sfiaf� i�atrod�ced this tqpic and indzcated �ha� this agenda item was %r infarr.tkat�on �urpases only aa�d a <br />re�c��z�.��en�a#zon. was n�f exp�c�ed tor�ight. The s�af�'s brief revi�w includec� t1�at: <br />� Unit�c� �'xaperties �s proposi�g a se�aiar �ous�ag developrn�n� an approxirraately 6 aeres of Iand at <br />�OTQ C�e��e�at�.d Ave��,�e cazz t�e �es� side of La�zgtox� Lake �'arl� near ��e saccer �e�d. <br />� The�-e were 3 p�ans include� in t�e cQmmis�zon �acket. Twa pxe��zaniz�ary si�� plaz�s �rere �ro�n <br />C1r�ited i'zaperties and th� third p3an is t�e adop�ed Langton. Lake �'a��C Master Plan. <br />� C�rrent access �o t�e existing park parkiz�g lot is tlaraugh the iz�dus�rial ware�ouse par�uig lot a� t�e <br />south a�t�� prapased d�velc�pmezzi and existin� park Iaz�d. <br />St���a�so i�dicated �hat park related concerr�s i�cluded, but are certainly i�art lizni��d to; <br />� The extreme sensrtivity of any park land exchang�� <br />� Meeting the goals o� the adopted park in�ster pl�n a.nd ensuring fiit�.re �ub�ic access #a the park. <br />� The i�portar�.ce of cara�Ederatzon oithe ��istin� adopted park n3as�er �lart <br />� Trazl co��ectio�s ta the park? <br />Mr. Ha�� a#� Uz�ited �'znpertaes pr.ese�at�d the details oi ��e�r two p�o�osa�s �d relayed in.�c�z�znatzo� frorn recent <br />s�eig�borl�ood �neetings; <br />��irst proposal c�oes z�ot c�ange acc�ss to t�ae parl� an� 1he deve�apz�aenfi is cozatained within the <br />property line.s of cuz-�-ent o�vz�er�hip (tk�is p�ar� is paref�rred �y United properties), <br />� Seco�d pxaposal invalves a parklazad exc�az��e and �ncludes a n�w road to acc�ss ihe �xistiz�g par�C <br />�arking lot (�rill diseuss furth�r i� City is inter�sted). <br />� A nezg�barhoQd m�etiz�g was held by Uni�ed Proper�ies £or those tk�at live q� $reraner Ave�ue just <br />bordezzz�g tlae site azad Nlr. Ha�l sta�ed i�at z�ei��bor cor�merzts iza.clu.c��d th� e�is��ke for access io t�ie <br />developzn�nt and paxk off Bz�ennez �ve and enncez-�s about tk�e zmpact a four s�ary building rn.ighr <br />ha�re oz� tk�e hoznes and yards to the nort� of t�� d�v�lop�a�nt. <br />Coi�issxoz� as�ed a nua�iaer o�c�uestions related �o tI�e �a�resen�ed pz�oposals. T�e pri�az-y dzseussio�s cente:red <br />on ow�ers�.i� ��d who wou�d be responsible �'oz mainte�ar�ce of th� road as �u��l as the i�po�ance a� <br />cc��.sideration d� the adapfed Lar�gtan Lake Maste� Pla�. <br />Co�missioner Willrr�us was not able to be at ih.e zaaeeting but shared �is t�aug�ts in writ��g. Chai� 7ahnson <br />s��red read thos� t�ought�. Cc�z�rnission�� Wi�lznus comnrze�ts indica��d tl�at plan �l and �2 do z�ot cor�ozz� to <br />the adopted Langtpn �ake Park Mas�er Pla�a az�d �ail io satis�`y the r�quireznents of the Roseville <br />Cozx�pr�hen�ive Ptar�. <br />Cc�m�m�ssion ik�eca�me�datian: No fonnal reconaz���datiaz�. Discussinn centered fl� ihe irrz�oz�ance nf tkae <br />adherenc� to �k�e adopied LangtQn La�Ce Park Master P�az�. � <br />