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4. ��J��,�: �����.� ����r <br />Rec;reation staff a�z� �Tatur� Center s�aff were �rese�t �o u�daie �o�a.issi�� �em.ber� c�z� pians �ar sprzn� a�d <br />s�raer prc�grarzz�ir��. Rick �c�u��z, reerea�� sup�rzn�te�zd���, Rax�.rz� �a:��y, z-ec�-ca�aon supek�visc�r, Eric <br />Saettcher, re�reatian. su�er�Tisar and De6bi� C�h, naturalist presenied t�.� cor�a��.ission with a pre�view to <br />pro�rams, etrenis and oppa�u�zities �lanned for the comi�lg su�n�ner. The vasf aa�ray of recr�ation happenira.�s <br />fc�r peQple af a�I �.ges dernc�ns�ra�ed c�ur �ai�o ... Rosevz�Ie Parks and R.�c��ea�ion c�F�ers "�o��thi.�g i'c�r <br />Everyone" <br />S. �t����I.�.,� �T�`�'I�� ����`Ek� PTgO T��'T' ��A'I'� <br />Sfa££provid�d a z�ast up ta da�e repa� on the Skating Ce�afier praject. Bid dea�Iizae �aas taday, Ma:rch 6. Eleven <br />�axds we�e xecezved. Th� �c�w bid caz�e in at �5�3,0�0 fc�r ��e base ��•oject (tl�is �roject price does not ir�clude <br />azc��tect�re �e�s and project cozztia�gency). There were several aIternates for tlx� prajec#, t�e �a�n ane� being <br />tk�e basex�ient {u�der ne•w add'atio��}, u�gra.ded raa� structr�xe a�c� rao�Z�ag rz�atez-ials anc� th� �-estrao�a <br />addiCio�zsf�p��ades. Stafif �o more carn.pletely revi�w bid pro�osa�s arad take ��eco��ner�datians and requests to <br />the council as soon as possible in e�ort to adhere ta pxojec� fiznelines fo�' coz�pletioz�. <br />6. ��C"�'�R� �Pi��.T � <br />o Recent Si�ow �emovaL Efi'orts <br />� Parks and T�ecreation sta�f is responszble foz pat��ay clearing. Pazks and Recreatic�n <br />maintena.iace o�erations c�ently h�ve 2 pathway znachines, £ate t�ould have it t�at botkz <br />mach�nes went do� dur��g ihe znost recez�i s�o� challenging s�aff to keep up with the snaw <br />rernova� on tl�e pat�tnra��s. Sta�dzd a�reat�c�b 3n a71 theii� e��orts. <br />o�rena Geothez-xz�al RFPs to go out soon. <br />o Par�s ar�d R�czeation Commission �Lpplicaa�i inLervievvs are schedu�ed foz� Monday, March 12. 4 <br />applica�ions have �e�n received for t�e o�� pasiti�n. <br />ca Deadlx��e £or the HANC �'I�azzg Co:r�r�attee applieations axe duE March 14 <br />a Discussion by coi�ncil a.z�d st�ering comzxki�tee on the Imagine Roseville 2025 outco�rzes aze sch�duled <br />far March 2�. <br />�'�"�.��: <br />a Tonigk�i is Ric�ard "Jak�" Jacabson's finai Camnaission rneeiis�g. S�a��ancJ Cor�azssroners ecl�oed <br />appreezafiio� arzc� respec� £or Ja�Ce's leade�-s�ii� anc� insight whzle servirig on the �'arl�s az�d Recrea�tiqn <br />Cazr�znission: <br />o Bradt-Le€�z: <br />� Recr7.��tizxg vnlu�teers �'ar ARTS�the4'VAL, Maz�c�� 24 & 25 at �he S�Cat�x�g Centex <br />S. N�ee#ang adjouarned �i 9.00 �m <br />R�sp�c�fully Subz�itted, <br />Jili An�ang, Assistant Di:rector <br />