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Excerpts fram �RAFT Meetir�g Minutes Attac�ment H <br />Roseville P[anning Commissia�s <br />June 6, 2007 <br />d. PLANNING FILE 07-DU& <br />Request by United Praperii�s in cooperation with the �'rieda 5chultz Farn�fy <br />(�aroperty owner) seekir�g appra�a! of a PRELIMINARY PI..AT, REZONI�VG, <br />AND G�N�RAL COi�CEPT PLANNED UMT D�V�Lt3PMENT {t'Ub) to al�ow <br />the dev�lapment of a nnulti-stary 93-�€�it senior cooperative at 3D08 and <br />3(110 Cle�e[and Avenue <br />Chair Bakeman opened th� Public Hearing for Planning File U7-U06. <br />Comm�nity Development Director Jnhn Starlc reviewed r�qu�sfi of Ur�ited <br />Properties to redevelap the properiy at 3010 Cleveiand Avenue N with a 93-unit <br />ege-res�ricted conperative housing development. Mr. S�aric noted that �he <br />proper�y was considered io lie within, thnugh at the periphery of, t�e �'win Lai��s <br />Rede�elopment Area; �awe�er, he nnted that some public docurnents omit this <br />particular prnperty frorr� the redevelopment area, and staff and the City Attorney <br />are researc�sing its inclusion in the T"in Lakes area. <br />Mr. Stark r�ated that siaff drew a distinction �etween t�tis prapa�y and other <br />properties mare in�erior to the 7win Lakes R�development Area, and detailed <br />those items in 5ectian 5.7 of the sta#f report dated June 6, 2DD7. <br />Mr. Stark reviewed site characterisiics �s they r�lat�d to the de�elopment <br />proposal anci site plan as presented; and reviewed public infrastructure for the <br />proposed de�eloprnenf. <br />Sta� recorr�mended APPROVA�. af the Prelirninary Pla�, Rezaning, and General <br />Coneepfi �'[anned Unit De�elapment by United F'roperties for fhe property at 301U <br />Clevelancf Avertue N with a 93-unit age-restricted coopera�ive hnusin� <br />developrrtent, with conditians as ouilined and detailed in Sec�ion 11 of the stafF <br />report dated Jur�e 6, 2007; and fur�her condifianed with condition __(g)_the <br />propnsed road cominq into the site would be exclusive of the parkin4 area, <br />rivaiel constructed and dedicated ta the ublic• and condition h thaf ihe road <br />from the easf af fh� surface arkin fof be thirt -tuvo 32' in �iaffh. <br />Discussion between sta�f anci the Cn€t�rrtission ir�clttded review by the Parks and <br />Recreatian Cammissior�; ad�antages of having a road with park access; angoing <br />refine�enf ta tl�e plan with access to Langton Lake parking [nt, vvhich was <br />currently accessed through an adjnining [ndustrial proper�y with no legal rights for <br />ihe City's pub€ic's access; creatian of a round-about and future south access �o <br />meet everyone's r�eeds; re�iew by the Public Works, En�ironrnent, and <br />Transportatinn (PWET) Comrr�ission; recomrr�endaiions of the City Engineer, with <br />mar�y iss��s resofved since the last meeting; �he designated pathway r�maining <br />City right-of-way unless the PUfJ was am�nded; and elirr�ination of the original <br />proposal for twin hornes or duplexes in the clevelopment due ta adding the <br />access road and lack of remaining space. <br />Additional diseussion included traf€ie sf�dies and impacts; park aceess; internal <br />traffic patterns; looping .of utilities; future expansion of th� parking fat as needs <br />dictate, and locatior� of a pafihway alon� the wetland area; sufficient capacity pf <br />the cu[-de-sac on this new public street; staff's interpreiation of poten�ial impacts <br />to traffic on Cleveland A�er�ue; screening and parkir�g provisions; and whether an <br />EAW is neecied for this project. <br />