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Mr. Giga thanked tJ�ited Praperties, and staf�, for keeping the neig�borhood well- <br />informed and being forthcaming in recognizing neighborhood cancerns. <br />Mary Reed, 2fl00 Brenner <br />Ms. Reed nated tha� the rt�ighbors were always aware thai som�day the <br />adjoining property wa�ld be de�eloped, but it was always their undersianciing <br />thai it wou[d be singie- or r�ufii-family develapment rnnre in keeping with the <br />existing neighborhood. Ms. F�eed opin�d that the proposed de�eEoprr�ent v�r�s nut <br />nf place and not acceptable, and needed to be iransitional, rather ihan such a <br />major praject erea�ing such negative impaets to ti�e neighbors. Ms. l�eed furiher <br />opined that the er�tire neighborhood would be rrtore supportive of town hor�nes, <br />with this project rr�oved further down on the oth�:r side, bUt were nnt suppar�ive af <br />tl�is housing development as presented. <br />Ms. Reed also recogr�ized the hanesty of United F'roper�ies regarding their <br />iniended plans. <br />Chair B�keman clased the Publie Hearing, <br />Discussion among Corr�missioners and sta�f included comp[imenting the <br />speakers on the quality of their pr�sentations and cn�nments. <br />Cc�mmissioner Wozniak nnied that the rr�ath corr�puta�ions and diagrams, and <br />st�fficient understartding nf them at this late hour was chaElenging; however, he <br />opined that while E�e had originally been "an the fence" about this applicatic�n, the <br />neighbor commer�ts had canvinced him tha� fhis project was not apprnpriately <br />transitional cor�siderir�g its proxirr�ity io sing(e-family homes. Corr�missioner <br />Wazniak expressed appreciation io Mr. Suh's for his pres�nta#ion of salar access <br />rights, an issue that will be recei�ing more cansideration in the fUture as the <br />Corr�rnission re�iewe� applicatiar�s. Commissianer Wozniak concluded by <br />opining that this project was too large, and h� would not sup�ort the propasal. <br />Corr�miss9aner boherty advised �hat, the Gommissior� had a contract with <br />resider�ts, and if sorr�ething was zoned R-1, that was par� of the cnntrac� and the <br />Corr�mission didn't drasticalfy change zoning to R-B. Cnmrnissioner poherry <br />expressed profound concern with �h� total heighf of t�e sir�cture, and reiuctantly <br />apined that he eould not support it as �resented. <br />Comr�issianer Bakeman opined thai th� Co�prehensive Plan �akes prioriiy. <br />Carrimissior€er �akeman ex�ressed disappointment that th� twin homes were no <br />longer a par� of the proposal; and opined �hat they would have provided a <br />transition for t�e neighbors. Commissioner Baker�tan expressed strong support <br />for the access road to the existing parking lot and Langtnn Lake Park; however, <br />noted that the prnperiy had been represer�iecf in ihe Co�prehensi�e Plan far <br />mnre than twen�y (20) years, and this was not a new plan. Commissioner <br />Bakeman opined tl�at the height is a hard transition from 1-112 sinry single-family <br />homes, and thai the twin homes wo€�Id have help�d that transitinn a great deal; <br />hawever, further opined that the praposal met ihe Camprehensi�e f'lan <br />guidelines and caused her difficu[ty denying it. <br />Commissioner Boerigter expressed his difficulty with this projeci as presented, <br />and had anticipated voiing for the project afi�r r�viewing the packei and nriginal <br />sketches. Cornmissianer Bo�rig#er opined t�at ihis was a fiine project, that it <br />made sense to }�ave #he road in place and access secur�d for Langton L.ake <br />Park; howe�er, given the r�ass and heigh� of the prapnsed structur�, not just due <br />to fihe shadow study, but looking at iYte scale� perspectives represen�ing t�e €inal <br />