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size. Commissianer Boerigter noted his other focus transi#ioning frorn wetland ta <br />resideniiai; and opined �hat he wnuld ha�e a tough time supporting t�e proj�ct as <br />proposed, given ihe neighbQr comments and the rr�ass and height af the b�ilding. <br />Camrnissioner E�oheriy r�otsd thaf Uni�ed had originally included twin homes, but <br />tn put �he road ancf access to the park in place, they had compromised. <br />Camrnissiar�er Bnerigter fur#her noted that there were access prabferr�s to �he <br />park wi�h otF�er sketches provided, and while not within �he �urv�ew nf ht Planning <br />Cornmission and t}ieir considera�ion c�f land US@ IS5UG5, expressec{ eor�eern that <br />the applicartt was now considering req€�esting public financing assistance fior fhe <br />project. <br />Corr�rnission�r Martinsan noted her ir�decision on t�e application; recognizing <br />that the applicant was knowr� far iheir be�utifulfy maintained and well-rr�anaged <br />properties; noted the public purpas� served by the praject in praviding senior <br />housing. Howev�r, Cnrnmissioner Martinson expressed concern with the large <br />mass of the �uilding compared ta adjoinir�g singie-family hnmes and <br />neigf�borhood characteristics; and opined that traffic impacts and increased <br />voltames weren'i well thoug}�t out. <br />Cor�rnissinner poherty reiierated his laek of support for ft�e prnject as presented. <br />MOTION <br />Me��er I]oherty rriov�d, seconded by Member Bak�man fo recammend <br />APPROVA�. nf the PRELIMINARY PLA7, creating one (1) Ipt far a se€�ior <br />coo�erative and provision of a public road (�ia dedicat�nn of right-of-waY1 <br />or a prirrate road (via �ro�is�on of an �asement, for United Properties, in <br />coope�ation with the Frieda Schultz Fami�y (p�operty owner to a[Iow fhe <br />deaelopment of a rnu[ti-story 93»unit seniar cooperative at 30�8 and 301�1 <br />Clevetand Avenue; amended to include condrtinns, as canditioned in 17.0 <br />fn defail nf staff repQr� da�ed June 6, 2007. <br />Carry�nissioner Bak�mar� oftereci a friendly amendment to t�e mo#iqn ta <br />ina�ude �he two (2� �dditiona� conditions prev'rously referred to f�y staff. <br />City Planner Paschke ad�ised Corr�missianers, if th�y were nnt inclined to <br />suppo€� all components of the proposed app[ic�iion, that tk�ey not suppori any of <br />the appficatians current{y before the Cammissian, as they were aii integrated, <br />and the Commission eaulci cans6der a rnotion to deny all i�ree eamponents at <br />one tirne; based on their findings for denial. <br />Bakema� seconded — wifl vote in �avor — this is isolated piece from r�st of <br />7L — ditferent from rest of prvpe�ty; always f�een car�sidered ta E�e hausing; <br />don't care far specific senior coop there — do like public rnad ca�nected <br />with it — <br />Commissioner poh�riy u�ithdre�nr his motion. <br />Member Daherty mnved, seconded by M�mber Woxn'rak to recammend <br />�ENIAL of the PR��.�M�NARY F'L.AT, c�eating ane (1y lot for a senior <br />coopera�i�e and provision of a public rnad (via dedication of right-of-way) <br />or a private road (via prarri5ion of an easement, for United Properties, in <br />coopera�ion with the �rieda 5chultz �'amily (property owner fo al�ow the <br />dev��opment of a rnulti-story 93-unit seniar cooperative at 3008 anr! 3010 <br />Cleve�and A�enue; ��NIA�. of tfte R�ZO�1f�G frvm R-1 Single-F'a�nily <br />