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1 7.12 The r��naini�g uti�i�ies, such as electricity, eable, tele�hone, a��.d natuz�aJ gas, will b� <br />2 designed a�d coordinated throu�� tl�te Public Worl�s Department to be underground, azad <br />3 utilize a join� trenchin� systez�a w�ere applicable. <br />4 <br />S <br />6 7.13 <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 8.0 <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />�4 <br />15 <br />16 <br />�7 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />2� <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />3S <br />3b <br />37 <br />� *:► -;��� <br />Because the property is required to be "repaltted" from �he e�isting four Iots to or�e or <br />more lots, par�� dedication may be required cansistent wiila Siate Statuies 4�62.358 and <br />§ l I 03.Q7 oi the Roseville City Code. <br />STAFF COMMENTS: <br />S.1 On April 19, 2007 the Developrr�ent Review Committee (DRC) z�et to areview tlie <br />proposaZ submittcd by Gent Ventures and A�West Deve�ap�nent LLC utilizing the <br />de�nition of a PUD, the goais of #:he Twi� �.alces Master Plan and ti�e Design T'ri��ciples <br />�hai suppnr� the Masier Plan as the basis ��or iis review ar�d cornrrient. T�ae DRC <br />concluded tkzat in "concept" the s�brnit�al to redevelop tlae Xtra Lease p�operty into a <br />hate� and restaurant is ap�rnpria�e and not incansistent with the Roseville Cnrnprehensive <br />Lane Use Plan. However, in ordex ta �rovide proper directior� and recamm��adatian to the <br />Plannin� Cozx�znissio� and ul�imalely t%e City Co�ncil, the DRC concludec� that <br />addi�iaz�al inforrnation was necessary. M�.ltipl� letters addressing t�Ze adc�i�:ionally <br />req�ired in%rmation and revzszons �ax the sub�nittal have been rrzailed tc� the appticant by <br />�he Corr�m�nity Develop�nent Depa�tment. <br />8.2 L'zsted bele�w i� and exce�t �arm ti�e �nost recent leiter ser�t to the applzcant ;responding to <br />the in%rmation reque�tec� and why such infor�na�ia�: is necessary to staff review: <br />o Staff's r�commendatian t�at the ap�alicant either waii until the AUAR for i�e Twin Lakes <br />area to be �pdated ar participate in a discretionary EAW. <br />Since r�y last co�resppz�de�ce to you on May 21, tl�e City Counci� has �assed a <br />z�.otioz� to ez�ter into a contraet rvith DSL7-Bones�roo to ca�duct az� Alter�iative <br />Urban Area Review {AUAR} of the area i�at �ncl�des your properl.y. T�is <br />�allows their Decez�aber 4, 2Q06 mo�ion directing staff ta carnple�e the Twin <br />La�C�� 8usiness Park AUAR U�date. We l�ave asked t�� Rosevi�le City <br />Ariortzey to deter�rtine wheth�r th� siatus of tk�e AUAR would have any aifect <br />on �ending lar�d-use ap�lications in the Twin Lakes area. I wi11 let you k.�ow i£ <br />they conclude that t�iere are any impacts on your applicatio�. <br />I£ yau� developmen� is nat s�bj�ct to �he ��dings o£ t�e AUAR, staff wi11 be <br />38 recammending to the City Council tl�at they req�ire a"Discretionaty EAW.'° <br />39 Your le��er dated May 23, 2007 states �hat yau wc��1d be willing to consider <br />�0 �ndertaking such a requiareme�t. <br />41 <br />42 <br />43 <br />�4 <br />45 <br />46 <br />o Staf�"� recoz�mendation thai a traffic study be conducied by a transpartation engineer in <br />order to deterznine whether the publzc tz�azaspartation system and private im�ro�emen�s, as <br />proposed, can adequatel� hand�e t�a�fic associat�d with the developrnen�; <br />PFb7-021_RCA_D61807 Page 6 of 11 <br />