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RESTAURANT <br />2 7.4 The propased restauaraaat is set in t�e southwest coar�er of the parcel adjacent to Cleveland <br />3 Avenue and what will eventually be Twin Lakes Parkway. It is a�so a xeciang�lar <br />4 str�cture proposed at a single story and approximately S,OOQ �c�. ft. in size. <br />5 <br />6 7'.S The proposed restaurant e�tranc� is fro� the nortl� as is zts park�ng �eld. T�e design <br />7 wouid cornplerr�ent the design and maierials of the proposed hotel. The slructure is set <br />8 bacic ir� a manner consisient with sirrzilar comrn�rcial developments. <br />9 <br />10 7.G <br />1� <br />12 <br />13 <br />1 � '7.'� <br />�5 <br />16 <br />17 <br />X$ <br />As with the ho�el, �he applicani k�as indicated thai il�e restaurant would have "branding" <br />requirrez�nents t�at may dicta�e the site ar�d building design that �e can prapase. <br />OTHER AMEN�T�ES <br />T�ie sxte would inelude landscaping and pedestrian connectiar� to sidewal�s and trails <br />(though noi speci�'ically ir�dicated in the plans). All site c�etail would need to be <br />consistent vvith the Rosevill� City Code and or the T�vsrin Lalces Desi�n Prir�ciples. <br />PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE: <br />19 7.$ Tl�e proposal to construct a 120 unit hotel with an ou�door paol and a stand-alone <br />20 restaurant could rely on existing public sanitary sewer and water located wi�hin the <br />21 Cleveland Ave��e rzght-o�=way. Lateral ��te�sions si��d appropriately for each use <br />22 could be extended to �he f nal structure locaiions. <br />23 <br />24 7.9 The propased redevelQpment cauid alsa cons�ruct a storm watex ma�agement s�stem �or <br />25 bo�h �5es and place within i�ie �n�ndary of the subject property. This s�stem woulcl need <br />26 to be consis�ent wit� the requirerne�ts of §� Ol 6 of the Rosaville City Code and the Rice <br />27 Creek Waters�ed would need to apprav� the plan and issue a pez�nr�it. <br />28 <br />29 7.10 Hor�ever, r�vhen considering red�velop�ent areas such as Tr�vin Lakes, a sin�le <br />30 redeve�apznent site �ust be cons�derred ur�der t�e conte�i o� a larger geographic area. <br />31 Specifically, watezx�raaiz� ihro�.g�oui: Twin La�es r�x�ust be �o€�ped �o eiiminate dead end <br />32 liz�es �d �aossibie pressure �osses. Such a sys�em relies or� goad e�'�'zcient des�gn mas� <br />33 likely being provided via a Iateral extension form an improved Twin lakes Parlcway and <br />34 not Cleveland Avenue. Sisnilarly, sanitary sewer designed to accomr�oda�e a larger <br />3 S redevelapnnent area is �oxe e££'zci�nt a�ad �ast likely would also be extended via a laieral <br />3b ex�ension from an improved Twin Lakes Parkvvay. <br />37 <br />38 7.1 I The Twi�. Lal�es Redevelc�pzz�ent Area does z�ot rely on a aregional stozxxz water <br />33 �anag��nent system. Each szte redevelopment, or a eombinaiion ihereaf, would be <br />40 xeq�ired to create and manage its ow� staz�m wate� accardi�g to City Cade and the Rice <br />41 Creek Watersh�d. Her� too, effici�nci�s and be�tcr utalizatio� of the lai�d ca� be achi�vcd <br />42 if cnnsideration is �i�ven �o a broader redevelaprnent ar�a and plan. <br />43 <br />44 <br />45 <br />4b <br />PF07-�2I_RCA_061807 Page 5 0� 11 <br />