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416f2�C�7 <br />This narra�ive is �n support nf the rezor�i�g ap�[ica�ian ar�d fh� �'�D concept <br />application a�d p�ans �ttac�t�d �a th� applt`c�tions. Th� narr�ti�� addresses, <br />arnong at�er thi�gs, �he q€�estians posed in the City's Applicafian �or Rezr�ning, <br />Gity's App6ication for Pl�nnec� Unii devekapment a�d fhe requirement of Cify <br />Code 10a8.01 Procedures fnr Prnces�ing a PUD. <br />Ex�sting conditio�s: <br />Th� 3.42-a�re site is currently �rsed for parking ar�d storag�. T�e praper�y is <br />r��ati�ely flai. �a5ements for public road exist on the east end of the property. <br />The City's 4ffEcial Map shnws tl�e a�ignrr�er�t of the new Twin Lakes Parkway <br />cutting diagc�nally across tl�e sauiheast corner ofi this praper�y taking abou� ,OpS <br />acre� of this 3.42-acre site. <br />Existing site �ccess is g�ined by driveway c�rb �ut near the fut�re location of <br />Twin Lakes Parkway on site's southwestem side at CEe�eland Ave. T�e <br />proposed access wi[I be moved frc�m the exis�ir�g loeatian to the northwest cnrr��r <br />of the lot about 229 f�et from �he f�ture location of T�ivir� Lak�s Park+nray. A new <br />median is sf�awn in this locafiion: <br />Prc�po�al: <br />The rezoning appiic�tion and PUD Concept Plan �ppiicatian are to b�ild a 120- <br />room hotel witl� a separate 5q00 gross �q�are foot restaurant in ihe so�tf�w�s� <br />area of the si�e. The res#aurant wil! have 125 sea�s. <br />The hotel wiil b� a major brand, ye� to be determin�d, and wi�f feaiure a fitrtess <br />cer�ter, a br�akfast �r�a, a lobby and rooms ineludir�g suites arranged in a 4-story <br />�ui[ding �elevafinns attached). Th� exterior mat�rial �o be used or� the hcr�el and <br />an �he restaurant wi[f can�€orm io the Cify's Masfer Plan. Pedestrian and lo�by <br />access to the �ntel wiil be gained firom ba�h tl�e Twin Lakes Par�cway sid� via a <br />"check in cfri�eway„ ancf frorn the automobile acce�s side laca�ed eas� of t�� <br />building. <br />Four tho€�sartd six hundred ar�d thirty (4,630) square fee� or just o�er 5% of the <br />in�ernal ar�a is landscap�d. This exceeds the City code requiremeni of 5%. Tl�is <br />landscaped area Includes one tree for every 150 square feet and one tree for <br />each 50 foot of frontage. To eonform ta the requirements of the City's Masfier <br />Plan �he �rees are Gr�en or Red As�, Austrian Pi�e an� the turf is Kentucky Blu� <br />grass. The af�aehed Landscaped Plan and sign Iacatians in deiail. A�etail <br />ground sign is describes or� the ai�ached cietai! sheet. <br />The building setbacks are 30 feet on Twin �.akes Parkway and 40 feet fram <br />Cieveland Ave. Alk driv� aisl�s ar�d parking areas ar� setback at least 10 f�et on <br />the north lat line and 15 f��t fram the sa�t� lofi lin�. All setback ar�as are <br />landscaped. <br />� <br />