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�r�r�oo� <br />Une h�ndred and iwenfiy (920} parking spaces incluriing thre� handicapped <br />spaces are lac�t�d we�st and �ast nf th� Hptel. �if�y (50} parkirtg spaces inc�uding <br />fihree handicapped spaee are prnvided far �h� res�aurant. Ali fhe spaces are 9� <br />dEgree 9 feet by 18 fe�t sfialls. All drE�e aisles are 24 feet wide with �he future <br />access to Twi� i.akes Parkway being 36 fee� wicfe. <br />Praposed access to si#e is ga;ined fram Cleveland Avenue by a temporary right <br />inl right aut drive an the si#e's nar�hwest carr��r. Perman�nt acc�ss wiil be <br />gained by a 36-fao� wide drive from Twin Lakes Parkway once that street i� <br />aonstrucfied. <br />Zaning Ordinance anc� Appliaatior� Criteria for Rezc�ning and Concept <br />Pfanned Ur�it Develnpme�t <br />Consisiency witi� #�e Cn�preherrsive Pi�n: <br />The Camprehensive Plan shows this area as BP Business Park. This designatior� <br />aflavvs hoiel and restaurant iand use, The City's Twin �.akes Master Plan, as <br />amended shows this area as Mixed Service. Hotels and restaurants are an <br />a{lowed us� in the Mix�d S�rvice ar�a. The �aroposal is consistent with the <br />Cornpreh�nsi�e Plan a�d with the City's Twi� Lakes Master Plan. <br />7he Gity sta�f's initia{ c�r�clusian is that, in concept, �he proposal includes uses <br />(hoiel and resta�rant - which are identified �s "Service Mix" in the Twin Lakes <br />Master Plar�) �hat are cansistent wit� Rose�ille's cornprehensive plan. The <br />comprehensive plan, which is essen�ially the Twir� Lakes Master Plan in this <br />area, has a gr�at r�umber af o�her requirem��ts (such as design, ma�erials, <br />Eandscaping, e�c.) tl�at our proposal fulf�lls. <br />Changed Circurr�stances: <br />The site is currently zor�ed industriaf. ln 2001, the City Cauncil designated the <br />sit� as 4ffice Mu{ti Story in �he City's Ma�ter Pfan. ]n 2003, tE�e Gity Council <br />designated this si�e as f'�anned Business P�rk on the Cor�prehensive Plar� and <br />amended rnasisr pian. The request is #a rezaning the site frorr� I-2 Genera! <br />lr�dustria[ to B-� Pianned Business Park io conform to the City's Comprehensi�e <br />F'lan. The City Council's Compreher�sive Plan Amendments I�ave changed the <br />circumstances rnaking this property a prirne iocatian for the hotel/ res�aurant land <br />use being proposed here. <br />Cnrnp�tibiliiy with surreunding uses: <br />Tt�e '� 20-rnom hatel is near the County Raad C exi� and entrar�ce ramps tv <br />I�tersta�e 35W. �xcellent visibifity is avaifable from the freeway �o the hnte! and <br />resta�arant loca#ions. �or this reason, it is one of the premisre hotel locatior�s in <br />tfi�e me�ropolitan area. <br />The area north af ihis site is d�signated a nan residentia! land use and the area <br />south o# tE�e site is �h� City's Official Map for Twin Lakes parkw�y with <br />commerciai land �ses soufh of the afficially mapped parkway. <br />3 <br />