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�r�i�o��r <br />expanding its cr�dit Gard s�rvices ��siness a�d rreede� additionai caii centers. <br />The com�any was growing ai an Encredible rate ha�ing been af ap�roxirnately <br />1,200 �mpiayees upon cantacting us and t�rowEng �o over 5,0�0. Jahn, acting as <br />an outsot�rce reai e�fate departrn�nt, �vaE�aat�d the current decisic�n process an� <br />ga�e eorrective directian <br />OF'FICE AN� WAREH0�15� <br />Fre� Spiri� Publishing. Joi�n, through his company Cognosc�nfe, purchased a <br />900 year ald, 6f3,�0� square foot warehause far conversion in�v retail — <br />res#aurant an� o�ce. AI1 as�ects af the project were directed incl€ading <br />architeciural, engine�rEng and historic restaration. After the principal tenants were <br />secured ttie property was sold. To#a! cQSt of projeG# approximaiely $3,OQ0,040. <br />Th� �rajsct loaks 9ike this: <br />Warehause Development Consulting. Cognoscente, John's company has been <br />r�tained by multiple compani�s to oversee the development process far the <br />construction af war�hous� and manufactcaring s�ace. Recent[y compl��e projects <br />include two �Q,Q�iQ squar� fcrot vfficelwarehause prope�ties in Bloomir�gton. We <br />adde� to o�r contribuiian by assisting in the leasing of the properfi�s in advance <br />of constructior�. <br />HQU5ING <br />E3a!last Poinfi Group, LeCesse �evelopmeni Corparatior�, and flel America <br />L3evelopmenf have al! contracted with Cognosc�nte �or the develapment af <br />hau�ing a�d mixed use hausing prajects. Ca(lectively the three groups, in <br />�ombir�atinn with Gngnnscente, proposed de�eiopment of o�er 1,f�{?0 housing <br />units since 1999. The projecis ranged in size from � 50 units in 3 story rr�ixed use <br />structur�s to a high rise structure with aver 300 housing units, a hatel and <br />�arking structure. Many of ihe projects w�re mixed use requiring additional <br />partners #a augmen# the project, Cognoscenie negoiiated with and secured those <br />d�v�lapmen� partnerships with Incal cnmpanies and the naiianal cor�pany <br />ln#erCor�tinental Hoteis. <br />OFFiC� <br />Zen�ropy Partners. Cognascents was retained �y Inter-Public Grnup in negotiate <br />the leas� af space for a new co�pany it was cre�ating. Because this new <br />company was not yet ir� �xist�nc� w� w�re requir�d to secur� the I�ase, analyze <br />and design the space ta me�t the campanies intended use, and, after building <br />aut tt�e space, �eliver it ta them turn-key. W� were highly su�cessful in all <br />aspects of the pro�ecfi. The Iease negotiations resulfed in lease terms ihat were <br />significantly better than any ather lease in the prograrn of se��n offices. 0€�r <br />responsibilities included nat �nly build-out of the space but space design, <br />furnitur� budget, s�l�ctian and installation as well as the installaiion of <br />saphisticated teiecom and computer systems. This 40,000 square font iease was <br />7 <br />