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�lL:�f►.�iI�Y1 <br />A�ptrcar�ts �xp�ri�nce: <br />.iQhn L.i�ings�an: <br />NC�T�I. DEVE�.C�PM�f�T AND CGNSULTING <br />Cc�17C3i�WOOC� SU1�85. L�I�CE and optian rights w�r� purcha�ed fram �lornestead <br />Viliage d�€ring iheir bar�krupicy reorgan�zation for th� developrneni of a r�ot� <br />"Hom�stead" property. Jn�n directed the as�err�bly ofi an investment grnup> <br />engaged an archi�ect and contractar. The investm�nt group approved ihe <br />s�lection of Candfewnod Suites as the flag far the properiy. Gov�rnmeni <br />appravals pre�i�us[y granfed to Homestead needed to be nnodifi�d for the <br />selected brar�d. John directed a!i activities un�if being paid far its int�re5t in �he <br />�roject. You car� see the prajec# at: http:llterrav�rdeusa.cornfGan�ler�vood.i�tm <br />Staybridge !nn by Holiday lnn. Jahn, as deveioper, contrac�ed fnr th� purchase of <br />land at muitipfe locations, negotiate�d m�an�cipai approvals and arrange� <br />rrE�zzanine �nancing with the franchisar as well as made arrangement for <br />canstructinn and permanent �nancing. Multiple areas ir� ihe MinneapoEis / Sainfi <br />Paul area were invnlved as well as one locatian in Colarado. The �roject <br />proce�ded and the i�otels were built. <br />Cres�niood Surtes. ExcEusive represen�ati�� (Minnesota & Wisconsin) for Bursan <br />& Sirr�psnrt Lodge �evelopment, Inc's evaivatian a# #he Nlinnesota and Wisconsin <br />areas fpr expansion nf tf�eir wholly own�d brand Cr�siwoocf Suites <br />(�ttq:llwww.crestvrroodsu�tes.corr�). Crestr�voad maintained 9 properties ir� the <br />S�lftil��5� states and wanted to evaluaie ex�ansion in t�is market. John <br />und�rtnok, on �ehaff of �he principals of Cresfiuvond, fhe negotiatian for the <br />purchas� of land and air righ�s a� we11 as government entitlemen�s. Se�eral <br />areas were studied, cata[oged and a matrix prepared. The areas studied were <br />Minneapolis and Sai�t Pa�l me�ro area, Rochester, Minnesota, Saint Cloud, <br />Minnesota and tf�e areas df Madison and Milwauke� Wisconsin. <br />SPEGfAL APPLICATiON �ACILfTIES <br />United Nealthcare. Redevelopmer�t nf an existir�g 4n�,00a square faat <br />rnanufact�aring facility ta CEass "A" offiee and Data Cer�ter. <br />v Worked togetY�er with tf�e client's ad�inistrafive services director to <br />determining scope of praject. Pro�ect expanded to includ�: re[acation of <br />a major component nf th� company employing over 80(l people. <br />. Managed prQject parameters, site sefection a�d coniract services <br />negot�atian process for each phase of the redevefopr�er�t project. <br />. The project res€�Ited ir� a$20 Millinn dnlfar tenanf imprn�ement as well <br />as a cornpfet� exteriQr redesign and refit. <br />. Negotiated a multi-milfion dallar join# deveEopmenfi agreement with <br />electric €�ti�ity far standF�y pow�r. <br />Pravidfan Bank. John was askenl to evaluate the real �s#ate depa�trnent of a <br />growi�g service bank located ir� San Francisco, California. Tl�� bank was rapidly <br />� <br />