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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />% <br />S <br />9 <br />�0 <br />�� <br />I2 <br />�3 <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 <br />17 <br />�. 8 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />�5 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 <br />38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />41 <br />42 <br />43 <br />44 <br />45 <br />46 <br />47 <br />48 <br />49 <br />50 <br />51 <br />52 <br />53 <br />54 <br />55 <br />areas of agresment and thase a# disagreement between he and staff. Mr. l.i�ingston <br />noted his interpretation of the status of the AUAR and his lack af inte�est in perforrnir�g <br />a discretianary EAW due to time ar�d cost consumptions; traffic concerns out[ined by <br />stafF and his presenta#ion at the bench of passible sn[utions fnr righ�t-inlrighf-out <br />solutions onto Cleveland Avenue and relocatian of access fu�iher from the <br />i�tersectian; mod�ftcatians to the proposed center island a�d his willingness fo de#'er fio <br />staff's recommendations; and his only poir�t af access �n Cleveland Aven�e at fhis <br />time, whether future pians for constr�ction of Twin Lakes Parkway andlor Mount <br />Ridge Road come to fruition. Mr. Livingston advised that, if the City Couneil so <br />directed, h� would corr�plete a traffic study; however he opined that the AUAR traffic <br />ar�alysis was sufficient and accurateiy projected traific Ioads within ihe scope ofi this <br />praject. <br />Mr. Livingston presented several options for sighting the buil�ings #hat had been <br />cnnsidered and rejected for various safefiy and b€�siness considerations; and <br />presented five (5) optians that had been rej�cfed. Mr. �ivingston admiited thai he <br />should l�ave baen more praaoti�e in providing green space caiculations and proposed <br />sidewalk locations. <br />Disc�ssion betweer� the applicant and Commissioners included the types af hptel <br />produeis being considered; lot size and design constraint5; [imitations of the <br />applicant's purchase agreement and the pote�tial hot�l brands se�:king prefiminary <br />appro�al in this applicaiior�. <br />Public Hearina <br />Chair Bakeman closed the Public Hearing, with no one appearing for or against. <br />Cammissianer Qoherty concurred wiih Communi#y �eWe(opmeni s�aff that the <br />applicafion should be denied; noting his concerns wit� access Eimitations for the <br />praperty anly ta and frorr� Cleve(and Aven�e and lac�C of oiher pe�tinent information as <br />autlined by staff. Comrnissianer poherty expressed frustration fihat the ar�a may <br />develop piecemeal ra�her than as a package. <br />Cnmmissinner Boerigter expressed his diffieuliy regarding this applicatian, and <br />pre�ious applicatinns that were approved based on concept plans with similar le�els <br />af detaiE. Commissioner Boerigter; and noteci fihat the proposed plan's layout seemed <br />consistent wittt this type of project, creation of one specific parcel fnr hoiellrestaurant <br />develnprrser�t, and B-6 of�ice park district USBS. C0171C]'1155E011Bf Boerigter, whiie <br />ac�mitting he'd like to see more detail, and was concerned with ihe right-inlright-out, <br />questioned what impact the project vuould ha�e on Clevelanci Avenue, opining that it <br />wnuld prnbably have less impact that other potential developments praferred for the <br />Twin Lakes area. Commissioner Bo�rigter noted that while modificatior�s may be <br />neeeied on the proposed access, there were no� other options currently availabie to <br />the appiicant since the roads didn't exist yet. Commissianer �nerigter fu�ther opined <br />t�at it was noi in the City's best interest to say °no" to develo�ment; and that he was <br />inclined tv allow fhe project concept to move forward, wifih a need for f�rther resolution <br />of auts�ar�ding design issues; and given the single site, how they co�id address fhose <br />iterns identified by staff in their Checklis�s in Section 9.3 af tF�e staff repart. <br />Comrnissioner Gasnngo cnncurred with Commissioner poherty`s comments r�garding <br />de�elopment of the area. Corrimissioner Gas�ngo questior�ed if, upon receipt of <br />pending infnrmaiion, staff's concerns would be satisfiert. Commissioner Gasango <br />reviewed optians to 1) mave t�e applicatior� forward to the City Council for their June <br />18, 2007 meeting, with the a�plicartt having time hefween now and thet� to address <br />the autstandir�g issues; or 2} reject this applicaiion and ha�e the app[icant reapply and <br />