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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />].0 <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />l.6 <br />1'7 <br />�S <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />3� <br />32 <br />33 <br />pfovide th� information necessary to consider ihe application, with the applicar�t <br />having mnre nf a char�ce to get a straight-forward appro�af. <br />7he app[icar�t expressed that this was t�eir frustration in what sta� was requiring for a <br />prelirninary site plan at this stage; and his being prepared �o pravide fiut�re <br />conr�ections; however, noting tha# typically someihing is not sehemed out at this level <br />of the applica�ion process. <br />Continuing disc�ssior� included the deadfine for tf�e review process; scope of the <br />project; s#aff's lacic of review of the site plan modifications prnvided earlier today by <br />the applicant; the high visibiiity and strategic nature nf this property tn the nrreraif <br />development of #he Twir� Lakes area; road right-of-way ownersttip, afficial mapping, <br />recarding, and future acquisi�ion for road+nr�y canstruction and right-af-way. <br />Staff reviewed their adhere�ce to the applicatian process and review period and their <br />ratianale far requestittg mare info�matian; inherent design guidelines; and lirr�ited <br />ability to require deviation from a cancept plan once passed anta the City Council fnr <br />iheir review, and major changes requiring amendment ta t1�e concept plan. <br />moTioN <br />M�mber poE�e�ty mov�d, seconded by Member Wozniak to REGOMMEtVD <br />DEI�tAL c�f the request by Cent Ventures artd Arr�West Development LLC, based <br />on the absence of periinent infarrnatian neces�ary as identified in Sectian 8.2 of <br />th� s#aff report dat�d J�r�� 6, 2p07. <br />Ayes: ,a <br />Nays: 2 (Boeri�ter, Gasongo) <br />Mo#ion to DENY carried. <br />Chair Bakernan ad�ised that the application would go befare the City Gouncil for <br />consideration at their June 18, 2p07 regular meeking, unless the appiicant submitted a <br />written extension to sfiaff.. <br />