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Request �or Council Actian <br />DATE: O&/18/2007 <br />ITEM NO: �O.e <br />Departam.ent Appxaval: �S Ci�y Mar�ager A}�pro al: '° Agenda �ection: <br />I A 7�'�1..��.��.. <br />�terri Description: Foaram�al�y Receive the Single-Fam�ly Residential Lat Spiit Stndy Final <br />Re ort <br />x.0 <br />2 1.0 <br />3 <br />4 <br />� z.o <br />RE(�UESTED ACTION: <br />Formally receive �he Single-Family Lot Split Acivisary Gra��'s May 14, 200'7, Single- <br />Farnily Residential Lot Split Study Final Repar�. <br />BACKGROUND: <br />6 2.1 On January 8, 2007, the Rose�ille City Council adopted an interirn ordinance i�pasing a 90- <br />7 day �aoratorium on residential Iot splits in order io undertake a study af t�e regulations <br />8 governing suc� lot spIits in the City of Roseville. T�e zzaarata�urr� too�C effect on �anuary 30, <br />9 2007. <br />10 2.2 Tn order to caz�aplets tk�e study, ihe City Cauncil createc� the Citizens Advisory Gxoup <br />11 (CAG), vvl�ich was comprised af t�ie Pla�ni�g Coz�a�issia� a.r�d faur members at large. The <br />12 Council solicited appIicaiion� for �he at-large members in February, and appainted them on <br />13 February 26. <br />1� 2.3 The CAG held a kickoff znee�i�g Qn March 6 and me� weekly from March 22 through April <br />15 26 (a to�al n�" seven meetings) to diseuss iss�es surrounding single-farnily lot splits. During <br />1b these meetings, zxaezz�iaer� xevzewed infarmation �athered fro� the nei�hborhood survey a�nd <br />17 open house, analyzed exis�in� citywide �engraphic daia, and developed a series of <br />I S recommendati€�ns. The p�blic was invited to ai:t�nd az�d paz-ticipate in all o�'these meetings. <br />19 2.4 Public participation in the process was im�artant ta t�e CAG, As such, th� CAG posted a <br />20 project webpage, zampleme�ted a neighbarhoad s�,irvey in four areas where single-faarz�zly Xat <br />21 splits had recently �aken place, hasted a community open �ouse, parc�vided a pxogress repor� <br />22 at a Ci�y Council Study Session, and held a�ublic nneeting to discuss ih� group's draft <br />23 recommendations. <br />24 2.5 On May 1.4, 2QQ7, the CAG �resented its final repori and recomm�nciatzans to the Ci�y <br />25 Cauncil. At t�is meeting, rnernbers presented t�e siudy process ar�d data analyzed in <br />26 deve3aping the final recomzx�endatians. Ci�y Cauncii members asked questinns to fhe CAG <br />2"7 rnembers, but public caz�en� on the report and recammer�datinns was not heard at tl�is <br />28 meeting. (A copy af �he report was provided to t�e Ci�y Counc'rl prior ta the May 14 <br />29 meeting, and therefo;re, has nat been included with t�is report.} <br />.( of .2 061807 Lot Split Study <br />