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Request %�r C�uncil Aetion <br />2 <br />3 <br />DATE: 6/I8/07 <br />4 ITEM N4:10.g <br />5 Department Approval: City Ma�ager Ap�r al: � Agenda �ec�ion: <br />� �� <br />� �tenra �escx� tion: Twin Lalces �iatus Re a <br />10 <br />11 �.0 BACKGROiTND: <br />12 1.1 Cour�cil�erso� Il�la.n had requesfed occasional updates on the status o£ activities in the Twin <br />13 Lakes Redeveloprnent Area. <br />14 <br />1 S 1.2 City Planne� Thor�as Pashke last provid�d a Twin Lakes updaie at the May 14, 2007 City <br />16 Cou�.ci� Siudy Session. Since that updale a n�mber of aetivities h.ave talcen place i�ciuding: <br />�7 <br />1 S Develo ment A lzcat�ans & In uiries <br />19 o There are twa outstanding development applicatiaz�s (one for a 93-unit age-r�s�ricted <br />20 cooperative ho�sing development and the ot�e� �or a 120-roorn hotel with a 5,000 squ.are <br />21 £oot restaurant). These applications are scheduled to b� considered by the Czty Couxacil at <br />22 <br />23 <br />2� <br />2S <br />2b <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />C <br />0 <br />their 7une 1 S rr�e�ting; <br />There is knawn interest �ro�nn tk�e Government Services �ldministratian (GSA} fox the <br />developrr�ent of a� FBI a£�"ice complex. At the last �ee�ing wit� sta£f, the GSA indicated <br />their desire to pursue a formal agreement/relationshzp wit� tlae City (through a rr�ernorandua�x� <br />o£ agree�xaent ox sirr�zlar document}. �taff is in continued discussions about the �'nrm anci <br />content Q£ stzch an agreement. <br />Two atlner large and re�utable dev�lopers kzave znade inquiries into the �'easibility a£ tk�eir <br />developing �he entire sit�. Tk��se deve�a�a�rs are in ti�e exploratoly stage and axe not <br />prepared to mal�e any for�al xequest af this �ime. <br />32 Code Enforcement <br />33 o On May 2�, Com�nunity Develo�ment staff ideniifi�d az�d surveyed 14 parcels of land <br />34 located in ti�e "Twin Lakes" developzx�e�t area. Each parcel was inspected for co�npliar�ce <br />3S with City af Rnseviile Land Use ordinances. Coamannon violations found were overgrown <br />36 grass, junk and debris, b�ildzn:g securxf�, a�d building maintenance. On Tun.e � 1, l 4letters <br />3'7 went out io the propez-�y av�mers / respansibie parties. Each letter specified n�isance <br />38 �iolations found ro be present on the property, and ti�elines �'ar campliance were given for <br />39 eac1�. �'allqw �p reinspections wiil ta�Ce place an th� schec�ules enumerated in eac� case. <br />40 <br />4 X Other O��nrtunities/Tssues <br />42 o The Citizen's League, i� partncr�hip witl� the Ur�iversity o� Miz�z�esota's Center �or Re�ional <br />43 and Urban Affaixs (CURA) are developing a cornputer pragra� that wauld allow citizens to <br />4�4 interactively participate in creating a plan for redeve�opzr�ent a�eas. If fully developed, a <br />45 citia�en wo�ld be able fio suggest differ��t types a£ land-uses witi�in the rede�elapz�e�t area <br />RCA_T'w€n_Lakes_Update�061807 Page 1 of 2 <br />