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1 and see wheti�er they achieve the pararr�e�ers (traffic gez�e�'atia�, financial �easibility, etc.) <br />2 that the pro�ect must ineet. Siaff met wi�h �epresentati�ves o�'the Citize�'s League and <br />3 CURA to discuss �h� potential of aur partxcipa�ing in the pilot praject. Staff will coz�tinue to <br />4 follow up with th�s� grou�as. <br />� 2.0 SUGGESTED ACT�ON: <br />'i 2.1 Na spacific actia� is so�ght. <br />�J <br />RCA�Twin_S.akes_U�adate_0618Q7 i'age 2 of 2 <br />