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ReguIar City Couneii Meeting <br />l�anday, J�Iy 23, 2007 <br />Page 42 <br />1 cluded in th� PUD a�ong with sequence iiming o£ �hose �nztzgation <br />2 starat�gzes in conjunction with build-out even�s tha� require �hem. Mr. <br />3 � Anderson fixr�her no�ed that a Concepi P1an pxesen�ed less refinement <br />4 in �he p�ocess than some EAW situa�ians, and tha� �he proposed Mas- <br />5 ter Plan developed ovex time. Mx. Andearson noted that the PUD <br />6 Agareement wou�d �egally set forth and bind a number of those issues, <br />7 as nego�ia�ed between parties, staff input, and approved by the City <br />S Couneil. Mr. Anderson adv�sed ihat, a�ce the PUD was eompleted, <br />9 this would not be th� Iast time the Council would see the issue; and <br />IO that if fi�ture signifcant changes occu�rred ��om those bezng pxoposed <br />1� unde� the PUD, fihe Ci�y Council could require further environmental <br />12 review under those circumstances; noting that this was not an unusual <br />1 � occu�arenee. <br />14 <br />� 5 Counczlmembe� Roe opined that, i�the Counci� made a positive decla- <br />16 ration that an EIS v�ras required, addi�ional d�tail fior building out and <br />17 traffic mi�igation wouidn't be enhanced s�gn�ficantly. <br />18 <br />19 Councilmember Pust noted anather option wouid be to delay action <br />20 �'or anothe� thz�ty days, reques�ing mo:re in�ormation. <br />21 <br />22 Counci�membe�r xe£oeused dzscussion on the aecuracy and sufficiency <br />23 of the �AW as presented; noting that �.he City served as �he Responsi- <br />24 ble Governmen� Uni� (RGU} responsib�e �or making that detexmina- <br />25 tion. Counci�membe�r Zhlan requested additional City Council discus- <br />26 szon on �he eomments of agencies and the public; noting that several <br />27 agencie� had commented that the EAW was incomple�e; and opined <br />28 tha� there was nat suFfiicient infarmation to make a negat�ve dec�ara- <br />29 ��on. <br />30 <br />31 Councilm�mber Kough cammenied on �he lead time needed �or fi.�nd- <br />32 ing by MnD4T �oz� specific p�ro�ects (i.�., Sne�ling Avenue}, and the <br />33 immediacy o��he praposed dorm and parking faci�ity by the ColIege. <br />34 <br />35 Additional discussion, based on EAW comments and xesponses, zn- <br />36 c�uded sound ba�r�ex and mitigat�on plans along Snelling by MnDOT; <br />37 amount of traffic attributable to College expansion; Concept Plan and <br />38 phases of environmental review and appxova� processes; and the ovez-- <br />