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Regnlar City Cu��:cal Mee��ng <br />�p���y9 J��y z�, Zao� <br />Page 52 <br />1 dated July 6, 2007 io rahn Livingston froxn Jon Larsen, Principa� <br />2 Planner with �he E�vironmental Quality Baa�-d. Mr. Livings�:on rzoted <br />3 the projected tax base and �odging Yax that would be rea�zzed by ihe <br />4 community based on the proper�y's es�imated market value. <br />5 <br />6 Additio�al discussion includ�d sux£ace water imp�cts; undarlying con- <br />7 tamina�ion and whether the City could obtain ihe environmenta� re- <br />8 ports co�npleted by the p�revious 'T"win Lakes developer and subject to <br />9 court order; traffic zssues; past paractice �or meeting the water runof�' in <br />� o the area and requirements of the Rice Creek Wai�rshed Distrzct; City <br />11 Attazzaey opinion on the process for Prel�mina�y Plat approval and <br />� 2 conditions; and need �'or a mitigation plan �'ar �he entire area, based on <br />� 3 an updated AUAR. <br />14 <br />15 City Attorney Anderson advised that it would not be inconsistent for <br />16 someone need�ng to camplete and EAW even wiih an AUAR �n p�ace. <br />17 <br />1 S Councilmemb�r Pust opined tha� the City Cn�nci� had b�nt over <br />19 backwards to work with the applicant; yet contin�ed to find �nadequa- <br />20 cies in the �n�'armation re�uctant�y pro�ided to sta:f� for review and re- <br />21 commendation to the City Counci�. <br />22 <br />23 Mr. Livingston noted thai he has always supported extens�on o�' th� <br />24 eenier island addressed in traffic study; howevea�, opined that sta��'s <br />25 representation oi conclusians and scopc of the i�ra�f c study had been <br />26 mzseonstrued. Mr. Livingston verbal�y reviewed �is written commen� <br />27 as previously noted. <br />28 <br />29 �t.obe�rt �3ajek <br />30 Mx. Hajek advised tha� his client eouldn't wait any longer wit� the <br />31 property remaxning dormant. Mx-. Hajek fi.�rthe�r advised that the prop- <br />32 ea�y would be sold for dcvelapment or retuz�ned �o a truck �erminal. <br />33 Mr. Hajek noted that the previous eminen� domain was not a pleasant <br />34 experrzence and exeated addxtzona� and unnecessary delays. M�r. Hajek <br />35 caui�oned that, if necessa.�ry, his clien� would consider lit�gation to <br />36 clear the proper�y ia� deve�opment. <br />37 <br />�8 Ca�ncilmembcr Pust noted s�anding eomments �rom the Cify's traffic <br />39 consultant regardi�g unsafe mitigation strategies, aa�d quest�oned the <br />